
Why does only the hard drive matter?

They do have universal appeal worldwide, though. Their product is quickly consumed and affordable by (almost) all.

This is why people don't like natural scrolling!

Do scrollwheels annoy you then?

Don't you guys preview the posts, or give them a quick read though, before you post them?

All of the things they report are things that we will see.

Because we all know that processor frequency is always, always directly proportional to processing power.

Sticking it on the back of a phone seems a great idea to me!

Har har har, Giz a credible site?

It's not quite a matter of 'wanting' to do it, is it?

So what you're saying is that it works like the ALT key, and was only separate on old Macs?

It's called the option key, and works like the Alt key. I suppose it's a relic of old Apple.

We just need X-Ray 360 degree ones and we're sorted!

Does it seem to anyone else that Giz might be being payed to cover the Xbox like this? Lots of stories spread out, unusually.

The shells on the Lumia range are pretty popular, especially the 620. Not everyone wants a black brick - I certainly didn't.

This sounds like it should be from The Onion's film correspondant

You want to watch these!?

The degree of torture which Manning has gone through might not have been expected.

Not to mention that the force is only stronger in a certain set of circumstances!

This is kind of an issue for people who don't have fast internet.