
For the first point, the only game I play where it makes any difference is Battlefield - most others are actually optimised to minimise the number of times it needs to pull a load of data off the drive.

You aren't understanding what he's saying.

You're aware Russia won that war, not any Western European country or the US?

And yet, because everyone else calls it 'football' (except you, Italy!), that is what shall be done, irrespective of history.

To be fair, do you think there are any strip clubs where the owner isn't up to something crooked?

I suspect that if he was on the phone to a technician there was clearly a good reason that it wouldn't simply work like that.

It's not the same thing: not only does this one look better, it's possible to get the money out easily because it's stored differently. This is a much nicer product.

Yeah, that's kind of s dumb reply.

It surely can't be that hard to make an app for this, right? Pointlessly reducing their market size: what possible logic is there for this?

"Because the fat is still liquid on the warm bone, it mixes instantly with the beverage as you're drinking it."

The mass doesn't matter for the calculations, though.

Parasitic imbalance!? Yeast!? Please, do explain: I'd like to hear more.

So happy! Perfect timing for the Lumia 620.

And this is why Vodafone are not anything like the power they once were.

Credit where credit's due for that baseball throw.

Great article Sam!

To be fair, it seems to say more about your friends' attitudes than it does about the utility of Facebook.

Time for a friend cull for you, I think.

Isn't it the people paying Google to advertise who are targeting these searches, so it is in fact them (rather than Google or 'us') who are being... 'racially selective'?

I really don't understand why people are still prepared to squabble over this old, tired issue of android vs. iOS.