
"If you've been wanting to upgrade to Windows 8 but baulk at paying then, firstly, you're a bad person"

They do this, and then stagger the release in the UK by 3 months?

Do you not think you reveal a huge, huge bias by beginning with 'You are a scumbag' and also capitalising 'AIR SUPERIORITY'?

Spectacularly from the same company, as well!

"But of course, the rest of what he says is all true."

Are not the RBC the primary reflector considering both size and multitude?

I would have thought the condition of your fingertip is more of a pressing concern than RBC count.

There is inside of it an army of midget Mossad agents!

Other new circuits have not been as ridiculously slippy. That said, previous years' specs have had much greater levels of downforce available.

Many people did think it was exciting; I however only saw one good overtake in that entire race, which was Button on Grosjean (I think.) I much prefer it if drivers have to work for position rather than just fly past a car sliding all over the track.

Terrorists who took hostage and murdered Israeli athletes.

Placeholder text.

Excellent reply!

"which pulled off an exciting race in a short period of time that only experienced minor glitches."

Well what are you supposed to do on a Sunday?

"Report: Wii U Cracked Open, System Memory and Speed Revealed"

So, how are those 1TB flash drives going?

I usually agree with what Anon do, right up until I read the bit in every single one of their releases where they make it clear they have a massive ego.

I rarely comment on people's grammar but this is just... taking the cake!