How none of them thought to address this in the actual settlement document is beyond me
How none of them thought to address this in the actual settlement document is beyond me
Amazing. Please post an update.
The ethics part of this is interesting, as I guess it depends on your point of view. Legally, all these parts strippers are in the clear. Ethically, it really depends on how you value people’s time and sense of environmental responsibility. VW is paying well (I guess?) for buybacks, and that is good. But there seem to…
Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you should.
Your opinion of what constitutes an eyesore doesn’t override his rights to park his property on his property.
While many places have local statutes defining such things, it appears this place, where the man chose to live, does not. I’ll also remind you, his neighbors also chose to live in a place that does not have…
I mean clearly the mailbox thing is supposed to be a trailer shaped middle finger, but it’s one I wholly endorse. The way I look at it is this: the moment they can tell him he can’t do that, which on the surface of it is pretty innocuous, what’s the next thing they tell someone they can’t do? Park their lifted truck…
Before or after Brexit?
I didn’t know you could spell Florida “Texas”
The camera left you... trembling? That line alone put me on the side of the guy with the trailer.
There are some arguments flying at who’s at fault but it doesn’t change a fact that this woman died. I used to ride a lot in NYC before hipsters tried to make it cool. I knew the rules of the road, but in the end it is all about own survival. I wouldn’t try to go just because I have right of way if it could shorten my…
Living in Chicago, I am surprised it didn’t happen sooner. This particular accident happened miles away from the central business district that most people know of. There are some really gutsy people on bikes in this town and have no regard for traffic laws.
Great example of why traditional car dealerships must die.
There are not enough stars to give.
The missing piece: These are *hilarious* to drive. Too much power for the car. Not exactly good, but bad in a really fun way.
If I had $60k burning a hole in my pocket, I’d have to think long and hard (giggity) about a GT350.
What I learned from this experience is simple: most pickup truck owners don’t care what they need. They care only what they want.
Dude in a modded Subaru over does it on a public road and loses it...? That has never, ever ever happened before. Ever.
sub headline to your headline: “Turns out hes right”
I'm well aware that these people are trained this way and don't give a shit about someone shopping around. But why in the internet age of car shopping should someone have to waste their time, go to the dealer, sit in the chair and wait for a number? What if the buyer doesn't like that number? But that is part of the…