
My 4 year old daughter was watching slopestyle with me. Sage took to the snow and she blurts out, "Wow, that guys cool. Isn't he cool? He is so cool." I don't remember her ever using 'cool' as a descriptor before. She was then confused as to whether he was a guy or a girl, but whatevs.

I get where some of these commenters are coming from. Sure there is an aspect of "RAWR I AM MAN! BLOOD SEX TESTOSTERONE!" when dudes are celebrating after a win. But as a personal anecdote, I play roller derby. It is a physical game, I love hitting people, knocking them flat. It is a team sport. So when we win

Around the time I got pregnant there was a popular meme that had something to do with a dude-bro telling a girl to "Make me a Sammich [sandwich] woman!" For some reason Husberry and I thought it was the perfect combo of terrible/hilarious and it was a constant in-joke between us. Well we found out the tummy monster