Authorities are on the scene of a raging dumpster fire. According to witnesses, it looks like DennyCrane's NCAA bracket.
Authorities are on the scene of a raging dumpster fire. According to witnesses, it looks like DennyCrane's NCAA bracket.
Having a tough time finding work with Leno off the air?
Yeah, that stone age scheme that was the best overall defense for a 10 year span.
This is all very....different, I suppose. But not funny. And more than anything, resembles a man in the throes of a mental disorder. I don't see how it's beneficial to anyone, anywhere, to stand and point at a human being that is clearly so damaged. Up the empathy.
I can only imagine Luongo, taking a brief respite from the 42 shots he saw that game, looked up at his eleven teammates on the ice and thought "This is still way better than Vancouver"
Don't try to explain. Context doesn't matter here. This persons mind is made up.
Hey fuckface, what color money do gay people pay with? If you run a business (which I doubt you do because you sound duuuuuuuumb) why would you actively try to avoid making money by refusing services to people you don't like? You going to deny black, divorcees, people wearing different fabrics and other you don't…
Some Atlético Madrid fan did all the Cristiano Ronaldo haters a favor today by pinging a lighter off the eminently…
After stepping over used condoms and walking past a crudely punched hole in a bathroom stall, one journalist reported, "Maybe I should leave the hotel and go check out this gay bar."
Dions second by second reaction to reading this
All of them.
SHIELDS: You okay, man?
Q: How do you stop Brandon Marshall from beating his wife?
Here is the photo negative
I was expecting to see 'Holy Shit' on this list, but with the liberal bias of Gawker media, I'm not surprised it didn't make the cut.
Hey lookit! Another movie that these two don't like very much. That's like the 50th in a row.
Children of the Corn
"Mr. Gronkowski, we're going to get an MRI. We're concerned you may have CTE."