
I love that man, I love that man!

So, he too must be dumb, younger, obedient agreeable (“yes dear”), bring home the bacon despite his below average education, must be in good health (read: fit, preferable with rock hard abs and wasboard stomach) and a non smoker.

So, a dumb, non-nagging, non-dried out slit, that hangs around the house all day not smoking?

I like it in cereal and for cooking things that normally would take a splash of milk, etc. There’s a distinct difference in taste, but it’s not terrible. I rarely purchase cow milk at all anymore unless I’m making something that calls for it explicitly where nut milk won’t pass, or if I decide that I really hate

I will definitely have to check every pocket to find anything every time. After my first outing nothing will ever end up in the right pocket again.

Quite infartful...


“hey, guys, what’s the exact opposite of the Ku Klux Klan?

I feel like this is a perfect example of “something is not news just because it happened in New York.”


Well Done JK!

A fair point - but Gawker is also a completely different kind of site.

So, humor me for a moment. Given that I could easily find racist, homophobic, sexist comments on almost any relevant Gawker article...does that mean Gawker Media “caters” to them and enables - nay - supports it? Are you serious?

My heart stops beating when I get a phone call. Like, haven't I let it be known I loathe talking on the phone?

My boyfriend almost only “calls” me in the car. This is what our boring commutes are for now: catching up with people. Phone conversations are also getting slightly old fashioned. Unless you live far apart, iMessage. Get together in person and drink some wine and bitch about your lives. If you live far apart, send

Fuck em. Seriously, between the kids stoned during Ramadan, the women beheaded for ‘sorcery’ and the continued reports of an expanding slave markets from the past month my sympathy for anyone who aligns themselves with or joins ISIS is at an all time low.