
Yes, yes, yes and yes. Thank you for posting this. People's lives should not be held hostage and ended because of someone else's (crazy) beliefs.

The grass is always greener :)

I think there is a large amount of variability. I personally put on muscle very easily and find it pretty easy to be bigger than I want to be. When I first began lifting weights I was bewildered because of that dogma that says that women can't put on muscle very easily. When you're bursting out of your clothes, it's

I think that's a really good point. And while boys do see the media images I don't think they get the message that their worth as human beings is tied into — and perhaps only based upon — their appearance. I mean there aren't debates about whether men are funny for instance, there are aspects of their personalities

True. But also...it's so much easier for men to lose fat than women. In general. Right? I mean maybe not you I guess...but it's been the case for nearly every guy I've ever dated and I like to draw definitive universal conclusions from my experience.

Exactly. And being attractive means working out for nearly everyone...

I think we can split the difference and say it's hard for everyone but not hard in the same ways.

Agreed, men aren't expected to go through life 20 pounds underweight. Men don't have to worry about "getting too big" from working out either. so they can eat plenty of healthy food and build muscle... I'm biased though as I build muscle freakishly easily and have little sympathy for men who say I eat 3000 calories a

Science: boys feel stuff about things, themselves. News at 11.

that's interesting, thanks!

Goose bumps at the line about girls being important too. Yay for her, boo for Hasbro.

So yes, piling on. Definitely not a wives tale. One only need have one debilitating life-changing-ly bad UTI to learn to do everything possible to avoid em.

Yes! LOL...my thought exactly. So guys like...love cuddling, hate relationships, what?

Yeah I feel lucky that I love my parents and enjoy spending time with them.

Yeah that is pretty fucking egregious. Drug testing is out of control and it's all because of people who blithely sign away their personal freedoms based on the misconception that if you don't do anything wrong, you won't get in trouble.

Bahahaha...I lold. Dunno how you guys walk around with those things.

who finds pockets stupid? dresses with pockets are the best thing ever.

I love beer. My solution is less food, more beer. It all evens out...

I love Girls...but also yes, i was just writing a comment about how freaking awesome it is for young girls to see women that look like them on TV.

This. I was kind of wondering if people bothered to read the original article. "We don't know why we're offended but we are. And we reserve the right to openly hate women and gay people."