thank you...I was astonished to see that headline.
thank you...I was astonished to see that headline.
That has to be extremely high on the list of most annoying behaviors ever. Though no one has commented on my food in many years, it was rampant in one place I worked after college. It just irritated me to no end, it was a stressful customer service job and I just wanted a break from talking and didn't want to discuss…
From your first post I assumed you were 15 years old or so.
I would think most people are quite aware of their dimensions. But you never know...a lot of people have very fat pets and get quite defensive when told how fat they are. I've only been on the receiving end of that conversation and it was true.
That's what I thought too. I cringe at the thought of having that discussion with someone. While we're at it we can talk to the family alcoholics about why they need to stop swilling vodka and tell the anorexic cousin to eat a hamburger.
Maybe I'm bad at this business stuff but it seems like the best course of action when you make a mistake, particularly a faux pas of international proportions, is to say, I'm sorry, I was wrong / had poor judgement.
Ugh I've done that. Though I am relatively fit I was completely repulsed by the whole thing.
Agreed! Actual sweatpants are incredibly unattractive and have no business existing. I've never owned a pair. Track pants are fine in my opinion but sweatpants are just a big no.
Its really gross. I think the blistering was from the eye cream…but yep peeling eyelids are not awesome. I was so jealous of everyone that got to wear eye makeup. I'm hoping for the best this year. Previously it had always been just the swelling, itching, redness and watering.
You can support whatever you like. Personally I find the whole pain argument to be specious at best and believe that women should have the right to terminate pregnancies whenever they would like.
Philosophy's Hope in a Tube is nice…though not a concealer, I think it did minimize the dark circles and fine lines. I like their concealer OK as well though I have to use a lot of moisturizer otherwise it gets pretty cakey.
I thought it seemed a little self-aggrandizing. A more apt response: We're raising future consumers as our economy will grind to a halt if we stop frantically making and buying stuff.
Having been a teenage girl, I can somewhat sympathize with that sentiment. My poor, poor parents. I didn't know...
Please ladies if you know right off the bat that you find someone completely abhorrent, keep your eyes down and your hands at your side. Do you know how rude it is make minutes worth of eye contact with someone you never want to see again?
It's not the decorations I mind about Christmas shopping in malls, it's malls themselves. All the slow moving people…seriously how do people move so incredibly slowly? If you're window shopping you don't need to walk 5 abreast. Pull over for crying out loud…
There is a stupefying federal law known as the Defense of Marriage Act which bans federal recognition of state sanctified same-sex marriages. The consequence of which is that same sex couples are denied all the federal benefits afforded legally married couples. Estate planning, tax breaks, receiving federal health and…
Exactly, yes etc. We have institutionalized homophobia and presidential candidates use fear and hatred as planks in their campaigns.
Obviously only human lives matter — and only when they're fetuses or American citizens.
Yes! It's disgusting that the national animal welfare orgs like the ASPCA and HSUS are mainly concerned with raising money rather than actually helping animals...and actively work against people who do help animals...
Totally... two people in this comments section have said that they know of people involved in similar accidents and this is the first national news story I've ever heard of that covered someone walking into a propeller.