Wooo. Hard to follow all the goalposts you’re moving. First you asked if anyone would encourage their daughters to do porn. When folks answered, thoughtfully, that they are open to their children making decisions on their own, you changed it to parents “telling” their daughters to do porn. Literally no one said that.…
So weird how a site with multiple writers would have multiple viewpoints on a single subject.
Cute generalization, but if you hung around a while you’d know that feminists are quite divided on the subject of porn, and have been for a long, long time. It’s not hypocrisy, it’s more than one voice.
Did you read the article at all? This wasn’t some porn star telling kids how awesome her profession was. It sounds like, by all accounts, it was a super healthy and frank talk that even discussed the pitfalls of viewing porn as reality. What progressives have an issue with is the conservative answer of simply plugging…
Curious as to what point you’re trying to make here, in relation to the article?
But what does your comment have to do with whether a porn actress (and sex worker, which is an important qualifier in this scenario) should come to a college campus and discuss consent and the negative effects of believing porn sex is real sex?
I would argue that no parent should give any kind of encouragement for their children to pursue any specific career path. Their child should be allowed to choose for themselves when they are ready. Kids will naturally become interesting in certain career types and their parents should be supportive, even if the…
But what does it taste like?
Misogyny and ableism, now all you have to do is go on about her being Asian and you have your trifecta. Why is Gawker media so full of hate?
Trump’s election was made possible at least 50% by how much people hated Hillary.
So to ensure Beth only reports on the things you like, should she seek your approval before she writes an article, or is it okay to just check with you before she submits each article?
“Please keep your opinions to yourself and just report the things I like.”
I don’t think slightly editorializing a breakdown of proposed legislation in certain states is “political rhetoric” and I wasn’t able to find any proof that lifehacker is not “designed” for said editorializing or writers’ opinions, period. If you can find a place on the site (or elsewhere) that explicitly states…
Hi there,
You’re free to advocate for or against the bills as you see fit.
Facts tend to not be biased.
Does this sale cross over to Comixology? Because I’d like to keep my digital issues in one place.
Does this sale cross over to Comixology? Because I’d like to keep my digital issues in one place.
“He’s been a senior longer”