Is that one of those good old pedestrian grinders on the front?
Is that one of those good old pedestrian grinders on the front?
Wouldn't be surprised if they make an episode where the presenters all purchase new cars that they actually get to own, instead of scrapping them after a number of weird challenges. of course there would be weird challenges they'll have to do with the car they just purchased.
That rear end does look somewhat like the Apollo's nose.
You mean the very talented Miinii Røckhetmaannii? I heard she's the bomb on the Finnish rally stages.
Fiberglass is cheaper but I'm pretty sure it'll never be lighter with the same strength.
So I guess this is what the Lamborghini Aventador Steffen Korbach Edition will look like?
So why does it have smaller rear wheels? Or does the picture taker's camera have serious issues with deformation? Looks like it has 19" up front and 17" at the back. Also, those wheels look very flimsy for such a big car.
Didn't the Swedes give house parties where they serve all kinds of homebrews to avoid the extremely steep taxes on alcohol? And dön't førget to bring yå ebøner.
Somehow that hood scoop doesn't quite seem to fit. Especially if there was a hood.
Not wise to cut costs by saving on the wheel locks.
If you still have to open the hood to work on the engine, they are too small.
How did they get the security camera footage? Does Remi have some friends at le Supermarché?
Maybe it's a European thing, but I do see a lot of commuters with these 'compromise cars' that hopelessly try to combine sportiness with practicality. You can see from a mile away that buying it was totally her decision, and that he just had to settle for the fake, plastic racing mesh and some side skirts.
It's not about you thinking "I want that", it's all about your spouse thinking it. In the end she decides the brand and model, us guys only get to pick the color and – if we're lucky – some options.
Impossible i8 seems rather smirky.
Now I see that, I know that's exactly what this monstrosity reminded me of.
It's, ehm... beige.