Negative star rating? So my car would have less damage after running into one of those?
Negative star rating? So my car would have less damage after running into one of those?
@FormerlyTheGreatestDriver: Why is it so difficult?
@jalopnikfan: everything this car has is what the new version lacks. I wouldn't be surprised if they deliberately made it more ugly to make it appeal to the masses.
Overclocked cyborg shifting like madman in whiteout conditions?
@Steve McElroy: That's what this thing had for breakfast.
@MustangChris429: as long it's drivable with hoofs and has fire shooting out of it he'll drive anything.
@Radio Golden Voice Flyer now with less homeless!: something tells me those are not the type of brats that meet Euro5 standards.
@golferal: the idea of something unshielded and spinning next to me in a fast car doesn't sound to bad though.
Nice. All this spoilers and leather trim to attract the ladies. But, but... where do they sit? I have confusingness now.
If that vehicle had the proper amount of wheels an incident like that would never have happened.
One of my neighbors drives one in the exact same color as the one in this great little film. It has some really neat details, like the exhaust that's placed in the middle and the forward leaning grille. It's always a nice picture when it's parked in the street next to my slightly younger E30.
@grzydj: I really wonder what they where thinking while designing it. Assuming designers were involved at all of course.
@rawtoast: You beat me to it. By a minute.
@SmoootHman: Rücksicht.
@Hoon_a_TC: Hey, that's not the fastest way to get up there.
@Bubs: Try that with a manual.
@KillerRaccoon: so, what do you do while waiting for the semi to catch up with you?
It's just awesome to see how Porsche is able to take a great looking concept and then make it look exactly like anything they've been doing the last 10 years.
@DoctorNine: Interstate? You mean Autobahn.