@pauljones: Error 403; the car understands the request but refuses to fulfill it.
@pauljones: Error 403; the car understands the request but refuses to fulfill it.
Would be nice if it had it a power to weight ratio of 1hp/kg.
I'd sell my harem for it.
Sad how one f-ing trooper totally ruined motorcycling for this guy. Just sad. (Not that I'm such an avid promotor of motorcycles after having seen the nasty mess those crotchrockets can create).
How many flux capacitors does that thing have?!
Duh. We all know 42 is the answer. Not low temp combustion.
@spiegel1 - Lada Gaga: He got surgery and looks much hotter now. His driving is still as good as it used too be.
@merc6point9: Wow. I remember seeing this vehicle as a kid and that then already I thought it was pretty awesome. Great to learn more about it's actual purpose!
@WestMcLaren99: I'm amazed it's even possible to mount a hitch on a Porsche. Also I wonder what it does to the warranty.
@Novaload: Don't know. Would love to see some more details on this machine.
@GreenN_Gold: It does. Didn't even notice that.
@thebobman: It doesn't even seem to have a Wikipedia entry. All I can find are results with titles like "Omelet du Fromage", whatever that means. I know now that it's called the "Milles Pattes" (or centipede) and was used for testing tires under heavy load. There is an 11th wheel somewhere in the middle of it.
@Fat Tire: 4.8l W18 E9 FTW!
@danielbevis: almost every time.
@awwwcrap: Hell. Lets get totally rad and drop in a third.
Segway to heaven.
@awwwcrap: and make it a 3.2 liter V12?
Flux capacitor?