
Would like to fit one in my E30.

Beats Madame Jeanette if you'd ask me.

So that's where those rare E30 hatchbacks come from.

@arozzi is 아로지?: Exactly. Watching this video I was continuously thinking "How do they do that?!".

I really feel for those cars just sitting there like abandoned orphans. I want to give them a new home and show them they can be loved by someone who cares. Just like all the other cars.

@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: Didn't they also add high beam pressure balancers on the later model? I heard those wore out pretty quickly in the most northern and southern countries. Mostly due to those pesky dark and long winter nights.

WHY DID YOU... Never mind.

"Look, it's an 1M"

I'd suggest the engine from a Ferdinand GT3 RS.

In Soviet Russia bull rides you.

Too many Bond girls on board?

@Cpt. Morgan: That's what they invented kilometers for :)

This image looks like a Photoshop disaster. Shouldn't it be much darker under the car with lighting like that?

What if he buys a new car?

Even my grandma drives a manual. She's 86.

@Jeb_Hoge: Sounds like they're Dutch guys. Dude says "Haha! Hij is kapot.", meaning something like: "No problem! That will buff right out.".

That is a whole lot of awesome in one package.

@Jackie: Can I also put clear fluid in my orange blinker system? It would really give my car a much more contemporary look.