Sure was an awesome trailer at the E3: two strikes QTE, two strikes QTE, two strikes, 2 QTE!!!! THE CROWD GOES WIIIILLD! !! It was lame on a new level of lameness.....
Sure was an awesome trailer at the E3: two strikes QTE, two strikes QTE, two strikes, 2 QTE!!!! THE CROWD GOES WIIIILLD! !! It was lame on a new level of lameness.....
Ni no Kuni
Animal Crossing.
An image of Jar-Jar Binks crossed my mind.
For a while there, I thought: "This is how I die."
Suuuper excited for this. But more than that, I'm glad to think about one thing.
Honestly, any science fiction fan, when being honest will tell you that Star Wars was straight space opera.
They should say that the entire 1,2,3 was a nightmare that Luke had.
Anyone who still sees Star Wars as the Sci-Fi powerhouse it once was is absolutely delusional.
I have predicted 92 of the previous comments within a .032 margin error.
I thought it was cute!
I'm absolutelly ok with this. it has nothing to do with the canon so they can fuck around as much as they like to.
I don't see the problem. The video was obviously a high production value and who ever directed it did a nice job to entertain small kids. I think its a nice spin off to get little kids interested in such an abused franchise.
Soooo let's not all go and start romanticizing Star Wars too much. This is just a kids' game, big deal, right? Star Wars is still a franchise that got its start on cheap-ass Kenner toys and tin lunch boxes and awful Christmas specials. Not much different than any other IP promoted today. You may be an adult fan, but…
And people were worried that Disney were going to make changes to the Star Wars franchise.
No need to worry, business as usual.
Honestly, we all KNOW Disney has to whore the franchise a bit. They payed top dollar. A little milking is fine. And this is obviously aimed at kids. I fully expect more kid centric Star Wars content in the droves.
But none of it matters so long as the movies are Great. They can get their 4billion…
The Mouse isn't doing anything Lucas wasn't doing for decades, and is probably gonna do it better. Bring it on!
What makes this super slick, well callobrated mash-up any different than the gazillion, now en vogue, genre fusions we see in fine art paintings and plush dolls( saw the Tawn Tawn the other day) that are being produced by people wanting to cash in? Consumerism is going to put that ironic, yet empty celebration of Star…
Lady Brie, the beauty of Mozzerella Province.