That's probably it. To be honest, I was just taking the opportunity to shout about FFXII. I do that. Constantly.
That's probably it. To be honest, I was just taking the opportunity to shout about FFXII. I do that. Constantly.
If I could play a HD XII on a Vita I would literally never need another videogame ever again.
Cross your fingers for Ephemeral Fantasia II: Revenge of Xelpherpolis, everyone!
I don't wish to alarm anyone but I think there's totally a guy hiding in that box.
If they even mention Suikoden I will honestly eat a puppy. I won't enjoy it, but the horror of having to eat a puppy will outweigh the joy of new Suikoden. Personally, I'm hoping they announce that Pro Evo/Metal Gear crossover we've all been waiting for.
Do you need help getting your rocks off?
Righto - I'll do it. I might just level grind a bit first in case there's a Ruby Weapon or an Ifrit or something lurking in the Void Between Worlds.
Oh, don't you be such a silly billy.
To hell with the 'International Zodiac Job System' - they should have released an 'International Totally Vaanless Edition'.
That is... Ugh. Just ugh. Ugh everywhere. Somewhere out there is a beautiful parallel dimension where FFXII stars Basch and Matsuno didn't leave during development. I will not rest until I have broken into this world and brought back a copy.
Thank you, Anustart! It's always nice to find another member of the small group of humans that really like FFXII. So much yes to your Ni No Kuni thing.
I vaguely remember hearing something about Basch originally being the main character, before the protagonist-hat was given to the demographically pleasing Pretty Boy Vaan during the utter cluster-fuck that was the games developement. Which, if true, is completely disgusting.
Haha - fair point. Although I do distinctly remember running around in circles to avoid getting hit by a wolf thing at the start. You know, before Gambits turn your team into an automatic killing machine.
Completely forgot about XI, thanks. I guess Tactics would count too if we were considering spin-offs. And Crisis Core. And Dirge of Cerberus. And the Crystal Chronicles series. Jesus Christ, there are so many FF games.
I used to think the exact same thing; I played it for about five hours in 2007, never really took to it and then dropped it. Then I gave it another shot a few years ago and my brain has convinced itself that it is very nearly an absolute masterpiece. Madness, I know. About fifteen hours in, the Gambit system really…
That's not a completely despicable thing to do at all.
"You'll be able to move her around in battle, a first, they said, for the series."