
That was suite.

What the fuck did I just watch?

Watch the video.

Now playing

This is more an indictment of me than of him, but the player in all white from High School Musical 2 is supposed to be the former Little League World Series champion pitcher.

I have too much respect for him to get into that. He’s a good man. Let’s not forget that he is a father, a husband, a grandfather, a buffoon, a grifter, a racist, a thief, a fraud, an enlarged pee-splattered sno cone, a bewildered golden-helmeted astronaut who’s just landed on this planet from a distant planet, a

Do you say the same about football when Aaron Rodgers does his little hand dance celebrations? What about when Clay Matthews would celebrate after one of his many dirty plays in self-centered celebration?

I'll just leave this right here.

Marry this take with desperately needed immigration reform and you will have a winning platform.

Yes, let’s commemorate the 45th anniversary of Nixon’s resignation by bingeing GLOW.

I’m sorry, but this is part of what’s wrong with baseball. Next time they should put it in his ear!

My only personal encounter with Steve Ballmer was when he sweatily spoke to rally the troops in Redmond at the announcement of an alliance between Microsoft and Great Plains Software of Fargo ND.


The Los Angeles Clippy

They’re already having more impact than Kyrie and KD.

Don’t blame the drunk golfer. Blame Gary in 23C for yelling “GET IN THE HOLE!!” for four hours.

What is the statute of limitations on the editorial staff torture of Kyle Wagner?

He won’t be a Met long. God knows he’s destined for Houston.

In high school and college I was always a year or two younger than most of my friends. When one of them turned 18, a group decided to go to an X rated movie. I, not wanting to be the one left at the door, decided to go to a different movie. I got carded (for the first time) and wasn’t allowed into an R-rated movie,

Yeah Barry, sINcE wHeN dOEs DeADsPIn cARE AboUT STadIum FINanCINg?
