This video requires Pew Pew sounds.
This video requires Pew Pew sounds.
I guess "coding" is editing existing CSS templates?
Ding Ding Ding. Took the post out of my head. Silicone is NOT ready for this. However, if you ALWAYS drank the same drink out of it... it might work.. lol
"the brain and other internal organs slam into the inside of the body/suit."
This must be the year 2000
This is beautiful. Most companies are either using xp or 7. And windows 8 has nothing to offer them. Could you imagine the re-training that some companies would have to do. I would have to assume microsoft makes a lot of its money from corporate licenses, why poke the bees nest?
This is a great idea.. I mean how else would people share information when they are not close by.
Yea, the media industry has NOTHING to do with torrent sites being shut down.
Hmm, how naive are you? You honestly think that american media industries are not behind the pressure? Similar how demonoid was taken down to show the US that the ukrainian gov't takes piracy seriously... Watch this please
I can not stand this. The RIAA/MPAA can go to hell. They fight technology like a prepubescent teenage tries to unsnap a bra. Their OUTDATED and ARCHAIC business models are what needs to change. Instead they are too thick headed to come up with a profitable solution that works with modern technology. So they bitch and…
Awesome article title lol.
They need some sort of direction. Facebook Home is.... well it leaves a ton to be desired. If you want to take your feature packed expensive phone and make it a facebook dumb box... thats all it does.
But what that billion dollars will get you changes by location. Meaning the Value changes based on location. Yes a billion dollars is a billion dollars... and if you don't intend on spending it, it always will be a billion.. but once you start buying things... God I hope you get the point by now.
I agree, I would like to add whatever sports package you need.. meaning MLB or NHL or whatever is available at a cheap rate too.
Argument accepted.
They just keep posting these horrible pieces of furniture! STOP IT! GO TO YOUR ROOM! YOU'RE GROUNDED!
So you say that AT&T, Charter and Comcast make a ton of money supplying, replacing and supporting motorola set tops? With the exception of lease fee's and first time install payments. I don't see how this could happen. You could be right, I'm just not getting the argument.
Agreed. I never put much thought into bitcoin.
Agreed. However think of it this way... How much money are the providers loosing by constantly supplying and replacing hardware?
SO they still have to feed the fish? So basically they just moved one breeding pond into another. The first being the hatchery, and the second being the cage in the ocean.