
Dale jr. is a hell of a class act, that’s for sure.

This may seem like a big deal but lest we forget I think the president has released more suspected and known terrorist than non-violent drug offenders.

Obama should go for the lame duck trifecta and pardon Edward Snowden. Or maybe just do that instead of letting a bunch of drug dealers/users out of jail.

The real question:

Download vlc. Watching a Webm takes about 4 seconds longer than native.

What a complete asshat.

I can't believe that no one has mentioned the 2007 accord v6 6-speed sedan. If you have one with navigation, I believe it's one of maybe a few thousand made. For such a high production number car, it's extremely rare. I have only seen two, and driven one. Both were non-nav models.

Three questions;

Get yourself a pair of Andrew Jones bookshelf speakers, a recent AVR or stereo amp, and your iPod of choice. Congrats. You no have something much better sounding and versatile than anything listed here.

Is this a Kanye West music video?

The movement of his hand in the beginning makes me think he might be mentally impaired in some way.

It's a lot more fun than a rolled up newspaper to kill them.

Yay! I feel so special!

This is a no brainer. It’s entirely too expensive. The only thing it has for it is that it’s shiny. Toyota took a really great engine, and made it easier to break. It's an automatic, which in my opinion, the only option or not—is shit.

Where’s the GIF?

A television

My issue is that the role models for these protesters usually turn out to be drug dealers and theives with extensive criminal backgrounds.

For some strange reason I love this car. And I'm in the market. I wonder if shipping is an option?

Yes, to the question posed in the title. I didn’t bother reading the rest.

The ever-expanding dominance of the automatic transmission has got to stop.