
lol. I was going to say woman. But when I think about myself or people my age, I don't call them men or woman I say guy or girl.

Every time I go to my local big box club store, there is an African American girl, about my age who like grabs onto my beard and runs her fingers through it while saying things like "oooohhhh scruffy scruffy" and the like. While my wife is standing next to me. She is a little rough with it too. I have no idea who


Did you just use a hashtag?

That is sad to hear. I've never had a single issue with them. I haven't needed any cabling in close to a year. I've got a move coming up and a projector to find a spot for so a long HDMI cable is in my future. I'll get from from Monoprice and see what happens. Thanks for the heads up.

Nothing now.

here we go now KICK PUNCH BLOCK!

despite everything going on, this sink still doesn't give a shit.

On my laptop (i5-4200u, 8gb ram) I have switched to -OMG- Internet explorer. I got it and immediately installed chrome because chrome is awesome of course.

welcome to the ala carte future we all deserve for bitching about cable so much.

I did this with a bunch of albums I owned. It was 2001-2002, I had just gotten my license and my car only had a cassette deck. I had a creative labs MP3 player!!! and no CD burner.

I for one welcome a potential president who gives as little a shit as Jeb does about people's feelings.

The big question I have is are the current crop of L lenses up to the task of resolving twice the resolution they currently have to?

A bit is a bit is a bit. It's net neutrality's main argument. Everyone should have low latency high speed internet.

Plain and simple, it's just too expensive. Not by $100 or so. By about $500. Plus the touch cover.

I think there is another, much darker implication in that statement...

Ok, well I didn't say all, and I didn't say only low income neighborhoods. It just happens there more. It's the truth, it's not prejudice, just the truth.

A sweeping statement like that helps nothing. Homeschooling is a great option for certain situations. It's not all religious nuts. And not all the religious are nuts.

I think 10 is too young to be walking home from anywhere but a close neighbor's house on a quiet street. Never mind that 10 year old having to be responsible for a 6 year old.

Do you think you are going to be able to run GTA V at 4K at 60hz in the first place? Judging by the dual 980s, you aren't going to compromise on image quality settings. You may hit 60fps but it won't be v-synced that's for sure.