
Classically depicted? Doesn't he mean "as depicted by Frank Miller"? I believe this is "classic Batman".

Mr. Quagmire was circumcised as an adult - he tore his foreskin while having sex with an ex-girlfriend and had to get it removed. I've asked him several times (usually whenever I come across one of these articles) if sex was better before or after (because he did have sex with the same girl post-surgery), and he

contact with a group of speakers over time will change your accent - one unconscciously mirrors other speakers and over time this becomes habituated. there is a positive feedback loop, making the voice a self-sustaining phenomenon.

Actually, the way gay men speak is kind of a fascinating phenomenon all on it's own. It forms a dialect of the language in the same way that Southern, New York, East Coast, etc does, except that dialects are normally geographically based - where as this seems to be a way of speaking adopted regardless of location,

My cousin ruined my controller, and now the left bumper is kinda ruined but it still works, and sadly I can't find the damn screwdriver for this...so yeah I know your pain.

Fair enough. Just saying, I think Gree could have potential if Marvel pushes them to a better direction (and more importantly, more funding to do a more serious card game). If anything, anything Yugioh level or up would be pretty amazing for a free to play game.

Well, the next logical step after the Kinect is the matrix.

I am self conscious walking into a room filled with women who are dressed perfectly in Lululemon. Because I have an erection, and that feels inappropriate. Those yoga pants make it difficult to keep it downward facing, dogg. Pic related.

So as a male when I'm going down on my husband I'm performing a Bro-job?

"Getting muted or banned during games will cost you reputation points"

Ummmm.....I mute a ton of people in games just on principle alone. And I know I'm not alone. So by not wanting to hear random chatter of any sort I'm basically going to be a massive asshat? I get why being banned would cost you points or maybe

The iOS and XBLA versions of Magic: The Gathering are remarkably popular. And puzzlingly, even on iOS, they're annualized releases.

LMAO. Recruit Mutants from all across time, fight the greatest arch villains of all time (inception music playing in the background) Me: OH get HYPE!

This also describes Mobage/Transformers Legends.

It's disturbing how much of a let down this game was, after the phenomenal, and irreplaceable "Blood Money". It feels like the team that made BM have completely left IO. The actual level designs were just fine for the most part. I could have done without 47's Detective Mode ability (which makes no sense), and the

You know though... the genres are only "well-defined" now because all of the major publishers refuse to publish games that don't stick to a very "well-defined" formula. They're afraid of taking any real risk, and therefore stick to what they already know has sold in the past. Why do you think we've been playing the

Exactly. Even reading these articles makes me feel like I've stepped into some kind of trap created to generate controversy and views. This whole thing feels oddly artificial to me.