
Um, no. This "feminist warrior" is the same woman who told her previous employee she would be willing to let her unborn baby "wither and die inside of (her)" after cutting off her health insurance intentionally to deny crucial medicine so she could manipulate her into dropping her lawsuit. Claire (just like Frank)

OH MY GOD IT'S ON DVD. (dangit, my picture got Kinja'd)

It COULD otherwise be a wacky situation where the kid's mom had hooked up with both guys in the same time frame, and she was never sure which of them was the father, and then the mom died and the kid moved in with both possible dads and had wacky adventures.

One of my favorite movies. I've been a sincere fan ever since:

It does two things: stop the spread of HIV, hepatitis, and other harmful communicable diseases that may result from trying to get money for the pipes. The second is that it brings them in to a location where treatment options are available, and even if they don't take advantage of those options the first time, or the

I don't think so. It doesn't spread anything. No non-drug user is going to see some pipes and go "Well, why not? Now where do I buy the crack? Is there a dealer's number on here?" It'd be different if it was actually positively advertising and dispensing drugs, but it's only giving out non-profit clean pipes so that

Nope. This is a useful and meaningful part of harm reduction. I recommend some reading on the subject.

Do you really think crack addicts were not smoking crack because they didn't have access to this machine?

Because making the pipe easily available is what causes people to smoke crack. Says puritanical scold who knows nothing about drugs or drug addiction.

Did I miss the reason why it was written as basically gibberish, on top of everything else?

I think the most irritating thing about this post is that the GSA apologized.

Here's what I don't get-and I'm just a simple mortician, so maybe my economics is bad.
People love to spend money. People just love shopping and starbucks and new cars and blockbuster movies and all of it. I do. If you paid everybody a higher wage, sure, the first few years things may be a little more expensive, and

In a capitalist economy there's plenty of food for everybody, including the poor. It's just all in the pantries of the rich.

Hey asshole, it's a job. We have workplace regulations and wage laws for everyone. Regardless of what that job is.

You're missing the point. They are grossly underpaid and should get fair market value.

Can I get a ride?

wait for me!

Sorry. They're already all at my place.

Callouses move around, and eventually they'll fall clean off. Happened at a bad time for Rafa.

Oh, grow up. It's not about wanting their genitalia to look like children. Women shave armpits and such just to be smoother because women's skin is smoother. It is just extending that in the genital region, nothing more and nothing less.