I'm in Australia and download it. It's sneaky but there's little chance of it ever being shown here so we watch like the reality tv freaks we are.
I'm in Australia and download it. It's sneaky but there's little chance of it ever being shown here so we watch like the reality tv freaks we are.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if Antony Weiner was the inventor of Toaster Strudel?
The magic of this gif never ends.
My flat mate and I watch Germany's Next Top Model each week (he's German, I speak German) and this variant of the show IS THE BUSINESS. They're flown all over the world, get great challenges with actual designers, creative ass photo shoots and the whole process is far more focused on "real life" as a model, rather…
Ugh, I tried to reply but failed. Anyway, what I wrote to bitsylee was that I didn't think the gag was about her not being pretty, it's that she was boring to Michael. But I may have read it incorrectly. Your point stands too and made me consider it from a different angle.
Yeah, I didn't get a not hot vibe from the joke. It was more that she was super boring.
I read this this morning and this pretty much sums up my feelings about her beauty.
Ugh, agreed. I adored Spain because I could lie in the sun for more than an hour, and not get burnt. Tasmania in the summer - 20 mins outside and you're toasted.
Everything I like is going to give me cancer. Is this a conspiracy?
Yeah, I had heard of Wu Tang, but not the members per se. Sadly, I also imagined Draw Something would hold to the Scrabble list of words for some reason.
Ugh Draw Something comes up with so many stupid "words" . Last night, I was given GZA, who I later discovered was some music dude.
The sad thing here is the stigma of mental illness/nervous breakdowns/general public freakouts persists and we'd all rather make up a pretendy scenario that works without the same level of stigma.
Oh, how I love the naughtiness at b3ta. You all should go lurk there.
"It's just an engagement. Anything can happen."
Sounds like you and I should hang out.
I would much rather lay around in bed for an extra 1/2 hour than prepare food. It is bad enough that I have to get out of bed at all, let alone be expected to feed myself. Thank goodness for Jumbo lattes.
These needs more exchange students from Estonia.
Question: I am blessed (!) with long legs. This makes jeans and tights hard to shop for. Wolford's website seems devoid of sizes so can any tall Jezzies tell me if this works for people 6' plus?