
Living with and loving a person who is mentally ill or addicted is hard, and his writing reflects that. Having some experience with that myself, having had to cut myself off from family that could literally take me down with them (first put the mask on yourself) I try not to judge. His writing on the topic struck me

I can see that. I don’t share the inability to appreciate him, but it’s a real issue. It’s a real issue with all writers who write about their own lives—when does my right to explore my own experience in art infringe on someone else’s rights? This is one of the reasons I’ve held back on some of the things I very much

What will it feel like to get a COVID19 vaccination?

The FDA* certainly started their evaluation process the moment they recieved the application and all the corresponding data. They expect to have it approved by next week. Not only is it important that they take the time to thoroughly evaluate what they recieved, you also need to realize logistical steps to get the

Considering that we’ve been feeling the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety for the past 9 months, the vaccine symptoms will be welcomed.

This guy probably uses the excuse, “These people are an affront to God” or “It is an affront to me and the natural order of things” or whatever quasi-religious bullshit he is on. OR...

Lady - you’re coming at the people who DIDN’T have parents who paved the way for them, who could afford to pay for 3 children to go to school (incredibly entitled position even if YOU DID scrimp and save and pack lunches). Seriously, you want to come here and pretend like you’re the victim because you had the

Okay and if we pay for childcare going forward there will be families who already had kids and paid for their childcare and could have used that money for vacations or new appliances or a better mortgage or whatever else. See where I’m going with this? That’s life. Part of being in a progressive society is accepting

Some of them are mad because if they hadn’t paid (or paid more slowly) they would also get to benefit from debt forgiveness and would have paid less overall. I think what these people want (whether they know it or articulate it or not) is some sort of refund on the amount they paid back. Others are bitter because

I paid off my student loans on my own. I wouldn’t be mad at all about any program that lessens or forgives that debt for others. A hand up is not a hand out.

On Hulu it’s listed as the 30th episode of Season Two even though you’re 100% right. The note above in the piece is meant to clarify that.

Please shut up. Thank you. 

Maybe save the complaints for when she makes the Secret Service buy merch at the bookstore. You know, like Trump charging them for literal drinking water at the clubhouse.

Not even remotely a close comparison.

Just in case anyone still thought that supporting Trump had anything to do with politics, rather than an excuse to be a complete asshole while posturing as the victim.

I love this and love the little old lady who gave the middle finger to Trump guy. 

This one is election related. Our HOA has an extremely unenforceable rule of no political signs. They even sent out an email basically saying, hey we can’t really enforce it but let’s just not be assholes to each other during the election. So I had a guy in my neighborhood pop up a trump sign and a couple of other

I rent a basement apartment from a nice older gay couple. They have their eccentricities, each of which has been a delight to discover over my time here. They had a giant pride flag laying out by my entrance in the process of being mounted on a stick to hang it vertically... for months. They kept apologizing for it

bamboo is mutually assured destruction.

If the Jesus from their bibles came back, White people would immediately murder him and claim he was a freedom hating commie.

“...she’s shopping for factory refurbished negro athletes to fill her quiver.”