Some people have no taste.
Some people have no taste.
im other news, bob murray, the coal baron who fought environmental regulation, cried for bailouts and fought paying his workers medical compensation for getting black lung has filed for assistance because he caught black lung. The greek chorus is chanting something, i cant quite make out. “hubris” it sounds like.
Imagine paying upwards of $250K just to catch a potentially fatal and debilitating disease.
they won’t. Remember, the thing fueling anti-mask protest is fear. People are terrified of the notion that an invisible disease can cut you down, so they double down on conspiracy theories or anything that says they don’t. have to be afraid.
So if he really did get it? Oh it’s not that big of a deal.
And (god hoping) he…
Can someone please explain why the advisor was from a different school in OK? I mean, I get we can work remotely now, but that seems off? Is this sort of thing common?
The murder/killing argument is a good example of what happens when you try to teach or coach but you’ve lost any respect (or never tried to earn it in the first place) with your student staff members. This goes doubly so when said students hold identities different from the pro staff member.
It seems like they hired someone “safe” to be in charge of the paper and with that came the “old” ways of doing things. I can understand why there would be pushback. Call me a coastal elitist all you want but a professor working remotely from Oklahoma is going to have a different worldview than college kids in NYC.…
Republican Porn Hub? Brilliant. Ol Lady G ain’t been shit for a while but I think it is because Trump has some photos or videos of him or a 10 volume set. Either way I will start the Go Fund me for any of his “friends” to come forward and spill the beans. I mean he was always a spineless sack of shit but when he…
They are still a thing but they’re less effective than an IUD is, plus if a woman has certain hormonal issues or what have you an IUD obviously can help while a condom cannot
Condoms are still a thing in *consensual* sexual encounters.
I’m grey so no one will see this, but, real question: are condoms no longer a thing? I’ve been out of the game for a long time and I’m genuinely curious, because it seems like they’re no longer commonly used. (I grew up in the ‘80's and the AIDS epidemic and they were everywhere.) Are guys offended if you ask them to…
I think that if Graham loses he will pull a full-on Budd Dwyer.
If (illegal) suppression tricks didn’t toss out 40% of the ballots cast by POCs in south carolina he wouldn’t even exist
Dear South Carolina,
“there is nothing you can say to embarrass a nigga wearing a lime green fedora.”
WHITE WOMEN...WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH Y’ALL? Not enough attention...what?!? Oh.My.Gawd. I’m just fucking done...d-u-n...done.