
Affirming a racist with your vote makes you a racist. You are complicit. Full fucking stop.

I’m also not super-outraged by Miley’s comments either, but I don’t think it was only the fact that she criticized hip-hop that bothered people.

Ehhh...Black woman here. With some exceptions, of course, current mainstream hip-hop is incredibly materialist and misogynistic, as is lots of pop music (mainstream hip-hop IS, in fact, pop music). I get that as a “privileged White woman” it’s not kosher to state publicly that you don’t like mainstream hip-hop but

So much garbage white trash that are ungreyed.

Those aren’t really questions that would raise anyone’s awareness of anything outside of one couple’s circumstance though.

You never know what you’re going to get with Gwyneth; I’d be equally unsurprised if she and Brad wound up living with all of their kids, plus Chris, Dakota, any offspring they might have, and maybe throw in Blythe Danner and Melanie Griffith. Brand their “group Home” a “GOOP Home”.

Yeppp. Was just thinking about that time at C2E2 in Chicago when I watched a woman read an emotional letter to John Cusack asking him on a date because she thought they’d really hit it off. Genuinely one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life. 

Never been to a comic con Q and A I take it?

Imagine your worst ideas of Q and A and then multiply it by a thousand. Inane bullshit declarations of love, borderline and over the border superiority complexes of knowing more about some comic characters bathroom habits, shit requests for selfies in front of thousands,

“Money can’t buy taste.” - my grandfather. 

“She’s too young to know enough about that.”

Things a woman is too young for:
* Older men preying on her
* Being forced to carry a child she can’t care for
* Expected to raise siblings

If that person agrees to all three of those things with the same energy then maybe, we can get into the (invalid) reasons why somebody

“Out of control” is an understatement. From guys on the corner to Moorehouse men to bougie blacks and everywhere in between, these dudes can’t wait to go full ignorant when it comes to homosexuality.

Whoever you hate will end up in your family. You don’t like gays? You’re gonna have a gay son. You don’t like Puerto Ricans? Your daughter’s gonna come home with Livin’ La Vida Loca!”

Homophobia in our community is out of control. Amazing that we sound just like white, Fox News Conservatives. We are the living embodiment of “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” Some of us don’t even do the former. I hope to god all of those assholes commenting have a gay child and then try to act all hard about it.

In CorporateLandia, there has become a weird cult among management centered around working yourself to death.

I’d make kind of a counter-argument. Especially in an age of working from home, or even checking email after hours, it’s especially important to lay down clear delineations between work and everything else. And if making sure that taking even half an hour to not think about work in the middle of the day is sacrosanct,

I will never understand why there are still supervisors that operate this way. It’s not even about being a decent human being instead of an anal retentive control freak asshole, from a purely selfish point of view, don’t they realise that if you’re flexible and willing to accommodate things like doctors’ appointments,

Example: I asked my very rigid boss if I could leave an hour early for a doctor’s appointment. She told me to take an hour of sick time along with a reminder that the work day is 9-5. Okay then. A few weeks later, she asked me an urgent question on Saturday of a three day weekend. I responded to her first thing