
If you’ve ever been to Target, you’ve seen his stuff, it’s called Missoni. As I said on the other article if they were more creative there would be no need for this. Missoni could have set up a scholarship/internship for aspiring designers. William H. Macy could have offered a special masterclass for acting students.

Lori Loughlin is a conservative Christian. Shut the fuck up if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

USC MA 2002 here: Fuck you very much assorted schemers, Felicity Huffman (whom I always adored!), Loughlin Hallmark person (blech!) and your respective lazy-ass entitled brats.

This development warms the cockles of my first-generation college student heart.

exactly, this may have been the best they could do given the time of day. Bringing in a stretcher to remove the guy may have been as practical, plus, they had to figure out if this was a crime before removing the guy and letting everyone walk through the area.

I agree and in a case like this, there isn't really any good way to handle the situation. This station is major station and I'm not sure what shutting it down would have accomplished

Exactly. What are they supposed to do? Fireman carry the corpse out of there right away? Close the station and subway line until the proper authorities arrive? They cordoned off the area and hid the carcass as best they could until the cadaver movers could take care of the situation. It seems that snowflakes are

It’s Homer, Alaska, so I’m guessing that every nitwit in fishing boots is already trailing enough halibut and salmon guts through the front door to keep the Alaska Department Of Environmental Conservation’s Food Safety And Sanitation Program Department Of Long Names And Even Less Useful Actions Mandated By State Law

I travel a fair bit, including many long international flights (I’m fancy, I know) and babies never annoy me. Their parents on the other hand....

Flying back from China with pneumonia I was actually really glad to have a screaming baby the entire flight as it made me feel not as bad about my hacking cough every two seconds (which actually broke one of my ribs, but that’s another story!). 

Sorry I completely disagree. As someone with misophonia, crying babies are literal torture for me. I’ll happily take those ear plugs. 

YES. I was just thinking that I would 100x rather have a crying baby than blaring an Elmo cartoon on your iPad for the whole plane to hear. I just want people to observe the rules of polite society on an airplane. Crying babies aren’t really on the list of things that make for a miserable flight for me.

I would much prefer the parents of 3-13 year olds to march onto a plane wearing a sandwich board that reads “I’m aware of my responsibility to make sure my child does not kick your seat, throw food, or otherwise disturb you. Please let me know if I’m failing” 

It’s all fun and games until you get stuck behind the asshole parent that uses cloth diapers on a long-haul flight and brings them all back to their seat. I’ve never seen so many people hold back their gag reflex at once.

This is the clearest evidence yet that Donald and his goons are straight-up murderers. Just because they didn’t literally commit the act themselves doesn’t absolve them of putting her in that situation by deporting her.

All the single ladies, all the single ladies, all the single ladies, all the single ladies

* Don’t stand in front of the last empty seat on the bus. You’re not helping by leaving it empty! And when people push past you to get into the last empty seat on the bus, don’t get all surprised and snitty about it!

i’ve lived in many major cities and depended heavily on public transit until i got a work from home job. Here’s the things that I notice that drive me nuts. most of this is probably ‘no duh’ material for readers of this site but it must be reiterated.

For NYC, if you are just visiting, you might not realize how walkably close something is. I’ve found that many times, taking the subway will take longer and you’ll end up walking almost as far as if you had just walked directly to your destination. (And, of course, for easy calculations, remember that it’s 20 streets

Is anyone else like at the end of their tolerance for her sobbing?  And her and Cooper like falling all over each other in tears about how amazing they are?  I am so over it.  Calm down guys, you just made a movie.  The fourth iteration of said movie even.  It was good but jfc they need to chill.