Actually men can terminate their parental rights and not have to do a damn thing, no money, no nothing. Maybe if you actually took the time to learn about these things, you wouldn’t sound so stupid.
Actually men can terminate their parental rights and not have to do a damn thing, no money, no nothing. Maybe if you actually took the time to learn about these things, you wouldn’t sound so stupid.
Not afraid of being entrapped just made a statement that people deal and survive with unplanned/unwanted pregnancies.
From The Cut:
The most heartbreaking part about this whole saga is that it may have forced a mediocre white tech dude to admit that he can’t do everything. I mean, can you imagine the pathos of that moment, when he realized that his misguided bravado and the penis swinging between his legs just weren’t enough anymore?
It’s fine. It’s really only notable because Barbra directed it. As a story, you can see the whole thing coming from a mile away (and the storyline is depressing for a woman in academia). It’s definitely not up there with Funny Girl or Yentl. But I hate The Way We Were (aside from the music) so I’d rank it better than…
Omg yaaaaas!!!
Maybe she meant it’s a rape fantasy for the men in it? I’m not sure how this would appeal to anyone who thinks women are people.
I graduated high school in Texas 8 years ago. My gang of queers was required to pair up boy/girl if we wanted to go so instead we rented a bounce castle and about $100 worth of pizza and snacks and had a great night.
Now is a time when I wish teens would truly rebel. If you institute a zillion rules, there’s no more fun or spontaneity. I’m hoping that enough students get fed up that they don’t go and prom gets cancelled.
I will be using “Letters from Phil Collins to Genesis” at some point in the future.
I’m good, but I’m going to go to hell anyway as punishment for some of my relatives.
“Be excellent to each other. Except for the poor, they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. If they don’t you have my permission to hate.” - Letters from Bill to Ted 4:20
Each one of these is brilliant, but I laughed so hard at “Letters from Phil Colins to Genesis”
The Dominionists (Ted Cruz and nearly every evangelical nutjob preacher out there, including Franklin Graham Jr.) are pushing for a theorcacy. That is why they keep trying to introduce this shit in schools and in government. btw, they hate the Muslims only because pretty much every Muslim country observes some form of…
Because ignorance is king in the south and the rural areas. Haven’t you seen the election, most of those idiots who voted for drumpf were uneducated white rural people and then there were the rest of those idiots.
JUST DO IT AT CHURCH!! Jesus Christ, people, you have a whole day that is supposedly set aside for EXACTLY THIS KIND OF THING. Or, if it really needs to be multiple days, do it during school vacation! I got forced to go to enough vacation bible schools/ other assorted religious bullshit to know that these kind of…
“There is a great deal of not just poetry and prose in the Bible, but from what I’ve read almost every piece of history that’s in the Bible has eventually been proven,” says Rev. Ray Hurt…
I already know that I am going to hell.
Excuse me while I snort my birth control off my desk.
This. I'm poly, my husband isn't. Monogamy is enough for him, and that's fine.