If you're a sociopath then I probably am too. I find your responses perfectly reasonable.
If you're a sociopath then I probably am too. I find your responses perfectly reasonable.
If me, my large handbag, my gym bag, and yoga mat can all fit in one little fucking Bloor line seat, THIS BITCH AND ALL OTHER SUBWAY ASSHOLES CAN FUCKING DO IT TOO
Countdown clocks that tell everyone that there's a train or two directly behind the one people have been waiting for for 15 minutes would help immensely with overcrowding if I'm not busy panicking that another train won't come for 15 minutes.
That's what I'll never understand. They don't want abortion to exist, but they also don't want public funds spent on family planning services. And when a woman has a child she didn't want, can't afford to raise it and seeks any form of public assistance they'll rail against that too. All the pro-lifers see is…
"Well, our part is done. We just wanted to make sure your fetus had the chance to be born, now that it is we don't want to hear your whining about food, medicine, housing and clothes. Shoulda kept your legs closed instead of wantonly having sex like some big slut."
Yes, exactly. It's like what do they think is going to happen or change by forcing women to listen to a fetal heartbeat? It's as if they think women are monsters who have no clue what's going on. "Oh, its a heartbeat? That changes everything! I can now afford a baby, have time to raise a baby, the father is staying…
Well, just remember, they only love *unborn* babies. The actual live ones I'm pretty sure they don't give a rat's ass about, particularly the poor ones, seeing how they love to run around defunding head start and food stamp programs that help their parents afford food for them.
This is your occasional reminder that the WBC is not a church, it's a slip-and-fall lawsuit factory. They enrage people at difficult moments, get them to act irrationally, then sue everyone within a 500 yard radius.
I wonder if it's better to allow it so you can see it and they don't end up with a secret one? Ugh, I'm so glad I have over a decade to figure this out.
No rules? Insane. But we had very few. We gradually let up on curfew as time went on. At 17, we discussed our daughter's curfew and she said, "Mom and Dad, nothing good happens in this town after midnight." So we left it there. Her boyfriend's parents were grateful. It meant an early night for him.
Who screwed up my wedding? Writer/Director David Mamet (young folks may know him as Zosia Mamet's father). He was filming a movie in my hometown the day of our wedding.
I came back from the doctor and said I probably couldn't get pregnant without a lot of help - help I've decided I didn't want. He hugged me, said it was OK, and asked me to marry him. Right there, in the hallway, with a litter box not 2 feet away. I said no.
My god. I don't normally advocate for the western world to play Team America: World Police, but...this just makes me mentally scream SOMEONE, ANYONE, DO SOMETHING.
Once you beat someone senseless with DUMBELLS IN FRONT OF YOUR CHILDREN you should have no rights to those children or any of their family members ever.
Not to downplay the seriousness of the crime (which I am about to downplay) but has this guy ever been to a bed-and-breakfast? A B&B is the worst place to hide out. Bathroom in the hallway! Communal breakfast served in the dining room! Forced-March tours of the historic minutiae of the house and its connection to…
I completely agree that's its a bullshit holiday but since it's on a Saturday this year my husband and I are ditching the kids, getting massages, having dinner and staying in a hotel. Next year we'll go back to ignoring it.
I would love it if one of these shows actually showed someone choosing to have the abortion. That would be something.
I'm really fucking sick of people infantilizing mentally ill people as if every single one of them is incapable of understanding the law or being held accountable for their actions. There are plenty of bipolar and schizophrenic people who lead relatively normal lives, go to work, pay their bills, have spouses and…