
I have a suggestion. Along with banning children who are unvaccinated for anything other than a medical reason from public schools and child care facilities (private facilities can make their own determination about allowing unvaccinated children, which will likely influence the success of their business), insurance

I said it on io9 and I'll say it here. My Irish grandmother had 13 siblings and only THREE made it to adulthood because of things like measles, polio, influenza, etc. I'm not great at math but I know those are HORRIFIC ODDS.

My mother was working in a restaurant when she was 20, and she had previously warned the manager on numerous occasions about serious issues with the smoke hoods, and the air vent. The manager never did anything about it.

If someone pees in public they must register as a sex offender. If someone beats up their partner, the police doesn't give a damn, until there's one or more dead bodies. Why not make them register somewhere, too?

Right on!

I'm a muslim woman and I can attest that the pedestal thing is a load of crap. You get some respect in a muslim society as a woman only if you conform to a certain standard. Step out of it and you have a bullseye on your head.

I can help with the Indian version of this! We are all about that turmeric and chickpea flour face masks and all kinds of natural stuff. My grandma is 93 but most people think she's in her 60s.

I can actually help with the Filipino version of this, if you're interested. Maybe the ladies of Jezebel would like to know about the "kikay kits" we have filled with face wash and other things that make us look fresh-faced despite unrelenting humidity and the national obsession with skin-lightening treatments!

Eyebrows are fickle. They won't grow back.

You can stop now, Midwestern Christians are not an oppressed group.


As a tip, one dude said to make the restaurant cheaper LIKE IN KANSAS. I mean, that's all you need to know - and then Jesus picture guys strolls in!

A healthy persecution complex seems to be an integral part of being a Christian. You'd think they were still being fed to lions. In fact, I suspect we will soon have a list of the things like how saying happy holidays = war on Christmas. But then, it's a religion that revers martyrdom, of course they all want to be a

I just kept thinking, 'why is she talking so much to this stranger who claims to have been imprisoned for weeks or months yet is still nicely shaven?' i mean he had a bit of a 5 o'clock shadow but was pretty clean considering. and then she was going on about how POTUS would come looking for her if she went missing.

I'm fairly old and remember people having polio. I'm mostly deaf in one ear from measles and my brother nearly died as a young child with whooping cough. Go fuck yourself and that dumbass doctor, too.

Thanks! Do you have any sources for how to treat polio at home after it half-paralyzes my children? Would essential oils help?


How's your "family" of "vaccine" "researchers"? I mean, mom-and-pop businesses are hurting in this economy, especially if you are in biotech R&D.

Thanks. This is seriously making me angry. Nonbinary people don't want to choose? Okay, let them opt out or use M. as a title. For the other 98%+ of the population — who are, after all, giving this program enormous amounts of time and money and getting autogenerated correspondence in return — give us the dignity of a

"We don't want to offend one person, so we're going to offend everyone else in the program!"