
Unfortunately, creationists are going to empirically debunk this theory with, "I just know deep down in my Christian heart that it's wrong."


"Everyone can hear the difference between 16-bit and 24-bit audio."

I saved time and money by doing the same thing with Photoshop/Illustrator. Other than online bragging rights, what good does this do?

This can only mean one thing: Apple is about to enter the digital photography segment, introducing an industry-disrupting MFT camera running iOS. It will not, however, support WhatsApp without jailbreaking.

"Previous tubeless tires could be inflated to low pressures with less of a risk of impact punctures, but it also increased the chances of the tire popping off the rim."

After the asshole who faked the whole "Guy who passed notes to mean lady on his flight" thing, I am calling BS on this story until proven otherwise.

There are lawyers in Hollywood who find this arbitrary licensing scheme actually makes sense.

Sign me up. I'm starting my own business, providing drone service to real estate and construction companies in the area where I live. Real estate agents love high-altitude photos of the homes they're selling, and Google Earth images are never up-to-date with current property conditions.

Not real. This is a scene from 'Gravity'.

One thing is going to hold this from becoming usable reality: batteries. They suck. We can all attest to that—raise your hand if your smartphone's battery is awesome. {crickets}

I don't think that's the point of the website. It's objective depiction of how big the US military machine is. The fact that they can go into virtually any country and call any size piece of a sovereign's country property "The US military" is astounding, be it a 1' x 1' closet or a gargantuan plot of land.

So Volkel Air Base, The Netherlands is turned into a mosaic, but I can zoom right in on Area 51? What's at Volkel?

they register about the same size as Lt. Dan's fishing boat on the radar screen

I could not for the life of me listen to that guy speak for more than 6 seconds.

Why are the officials wearing GoPro cameras on their helmets?

Lot of jingoistic hubris expressed in some of the comments. Must be Lockheed employees or brainswashed service members. Naturally, their response is to bash the Chinese version; you don't need to cross the ocean to find a plane that doesn't work. It's right here, in your backyard.

I too had a hard time reading the book, ala Burgess's "Clockwork Orange," what with the new language one has to learn as the book is being read. Once you get its cadence and rhythm, it rolls along. It helps to visualize the characters speaking as you read it (it helped me, at least).

Oh yea, welcome to the world of RFAD. I think it's the only American movie ever made that ends in devastating fashion. I was waiting for a doctor to run in at the end with a syringe full of über-methadone, injecting all the miscreants and watching them all pop out of their stupor like Uma Thurman in "Pulp Fiction."

Well, let's say Apple launched an NFC-enabled phone without a commensurate ecosystem, where the only merchant accepting NFC payments was a wheatgrass co-op in Noe Valley? Let's say they did that again and again, putting we're-first features into a phone that users ga-ga'ed over for 10 minutes then realized that, hey,