
"Why do they exist? Presumably, because people are buying them—but why are there so many? Why sell ten flavors of ass soup?"

I vote YAY on this.

So SF-hipster-startup-entrepreneur-ish.

The keywords here are 'indie production'. Do you know how much a pair of New Balance 993s cost?!

Good eye! Reminds me of an Alpine stereo I bought for my car: In military time, it continues past 2359. Right now, it's 7454:32 o'clock.

Are birth certificates waterproof?

A flying metaphor of the dismantling of our space program. Literally grounded.

What would you consider a "revolution" in the laptop arena without resorting to some useless gimmick (e.g., touchscreen back panel; retractable stand; triple display)?

I hope they continue the 17" model.

What you're suggesting is the difference between a football coach publicly proclaiming, "Let's go get those guys!" and then also, yet erroneously, publicly proclaiming, "Let's go out and get those guys by running play 42B with 13 seconds to go in the first quarter. If that doesn't work, we'll send Jones for a

My wife is getting one for work. She's a lawyer, and they are ultra-paranoid about their network. They passed on the iPhone because, according to one of the partners, Microsoft is supposed to be releasing "something" in the next few months that is going to make the WP/Windows Server combination bulletproof and worthy

A few family friends held off on buying the latest model of the iPod Touch...seven months ago. I applaud Apple for not clogging up their sales channel with 600 model variations of the same thing. However, going this long without an update can't be good. It's cool, but can't be good.

If this were in the US, most of those beachgoers would be ambulance-chasing lawyers in Euro swimsuits disguises.

Didn't Giz just post a story on the bike in video? [gizmodo.com]+bike-keeps-pace-with-city-traffic/gallery/

So, instead of delving into ways of identifying perverts in your parish and the long-lasting ramifications of children viewing such blasphemous content, the story delves into disabling Autoplay. Hilarious!

I wonder what the manufacture date of that Airbus is. Do you think the asphalt on the runway is over three years old? What PANTONE blue is used on that plane? What kind of helicopter is that next to it?

Why is it sick? It's called object recognition. Nothing to do with branding or marketing. I can do the same thing with a silhouette of a tree.

This is akin to the DUI laws here in California: You don't have to take a roadside sobriety test, but refusing to do so is grounds for them arresting you (for not taking the test, not for being drunk).

This is simply ridiculous on Apple's part. I am going to buy an iPad 3 so I can sue them for burning my hand.

Prediction: Command-line still available.