
No idea, it's been in beta/alpha for a while now though. They've added a ton of cool new stuff since I last tried it though. Solar panels, electric engines, docking ports, stuff for making space stations. It's got a pretty strong modding community and a lot of the stuff they've come up with seems to be making it into

Love the Ellie cosplay. SDCC is something I'd like to go to one day... but the USA is damn expensive to get to. I'm going next year but I plan on hitting up PAX Prime instead. This'll be my older brothers second Comic-con though. I think he's planning on going as the main character from Dishonoured.

I'll admit that it's not as big a discount as I would have hoped for. But despite its status as "pre-release" the game is pretty good as-is. I'd look into it to see if you're interested first though. It's a sim game so it's not going to be to everyones tastes. Although it's presented as pretty wacky it's actually got

I like the Sims, but the pricing on it is crazy. Especially with all the expansion packs to boot. The fact there's no single bundle that gets you everything is especially sucky.

I was hoping Kerbal would be cheaper, but I decided to just go for it rather than waiting for a future sale. Despite its status as a pre-release title it's pretty damn awesome as it is, and I imagine it'll only get better as they finish it.

He's still awful at delivering jokes though.

Not one of his worst efforts, but Buckley still uses too many panels and too much text in setting up the punchline. I swear he's legally married to the four panel format.

Personally I hate how seemingly no one can accept anything at face value and have to start reading into it unless everything is laid out in perfect inscrutable detail. Even then that's not enough for some people. How people don't listen to what's being said and start imagining things that haven't been said. Especially

These questions are tough because a lot of them depend on environmental factors as well. In a straight fight Sonic probably has the advantage. Since their primary offensive techniques both involve jumping on the enemies head they're pretty evenly matched in offensive power. Sonic also has the superior speed though,

How is the media skewing this though? They're just reporting the details of the court case, including the claims made by the defendant and other relevant testimony. Unless they were actually there they don't know any more than that. They're not even presenting it as if his version of events is true, merely that it's

Not just Japanese developers, it's likely we might get a look at what Sonys various first party studios are working on as well.

I as a British man feel shame when I see a fellow countryman embarrassing us by failing to grasp a simple joke.

Don't forget TGS as well.

Really? Ryse looks like "QTE: The game" and Dead Rising 3 looks like they've surgically removed most of what made Dead Rising fun. Admittedly The PS4 demo lineup for ComicCon isn't particularly strong. But Ryse and DR3 are also among the weaker titles Xbone is bringing to the fore.

Of those though I think it's hard to complain about the lack of Dark Knight tie-ins. Batman already has a pretty capable AAA presence with the Arkham series.

Pretty much the only thing it has in common with Gundam is the giant mecha though. And even then the Jaegers are a far cry from Mobile Suits, they're more giant mexican wrestlers than walking tanks.

Lack of innovation isn't something that just plagues movie tie-ins though. It plagues mobile gaming in general. I mean does Endless Runner even deserve classification as a genre? It's pretty much the same game every time. It'd be like defining Pac-man as a genre.

Yeah, both studios have their hits and misses. Pixar has done the whole angle of taking things that don't talk and making them talk a few too many times.

Considering the majority of your comments it makes it pretty hard to respect your opinion. Still this is probably one of the few areas where our viewpoints align. I've been saying for a long time though that they're two different markets. Overlapping markets sure, but not in direct competition. Not everyone has quite

Yeah I was disappoint too. With any luck it'll crop up again in a daily sale or something.