Bugs are excusable, this is pretty deliberate.
Bugs are excusable, this is pretty deliberate.
Your argument would only work if this was unintentional on SEs part. If it was simply a compatibility issue you could make a case that they don't have a responsibility to support JB devices. I might even agree with you. But that isn't the case, it's not a matter of them not supporting jail broken devices they are…
It's funny that it's ridiculously obvious that you didn't read your own source. The first line of the article you linked:
Hahahaha, you broke the site.
Thanks for the tip, I was considering buying it through Steam but on the UK GMG it's cheaper even without the discount voucher. Wonder if it's valid over here...
And yet effectively it's the same thing, only you don't have to actually wait in line or even leave your house.
I'm not assuming. There's been a bunch of analysis looking at the aftermath of the PSN hack and whether any credit card fraud following it can be determined to be a result of it. You're dreaming if you think a single unverified example of credit card fraud taking place following the attack proves your point. Do you…
Alternately they could just require that it uses SE's own account/authentication system instead of tying in their own system. You're the one who needs to go back to school if you can't even consider such a simple solution, granted I don't think further education would help with what's clearly a mental deficiency.…
You failed to see my logic because evidently you failed to read my comment properly. Please tell me exactly how many people lost money as a result of the PSN hack? Exactly how many credit cards were compromised as a result? What's that? As far as anyone can tell no one lost any money? No ones credit card was…
It might also be because said people are fictional.
Except the only time that'd have any relevance is if Microsoft was running the servers. They're not, try again.
Easy come, easy go I guess.
Oh no, what will I do with my twenty beta invites now.
I'd say it's pretty similar as far as video cards are concerned too. Nvidia have better performance at the high end and more features but AMD offer better value, especially around the low to mid end.
A lack of anything resembling copyright means that a massive number of Chinese games are just cheap knock offs. The remainder tend to be formulaic MMOs with a focus on grinding. I don't have high hopes for the Chinese games market.
Nope, not misunderstanding at all. It's just bullshit. DocSeuss doesn't understand anything about communication between servers and clearly neither do you. Unless Microsoft granted SE unrestricted access, which isn't necessary for the game and would be flat out moronic on the part of MS, to their servers then it's not…
You do realise that you don't possess the relevant technical knowledge to make these claims right? No, of course you don't. Who am I kidding, I almost forgot who I'm talking to. DocSeuss, expert in armchair expertise.
God dammit Kinja stop dumping my replies outside of threads.
Microsofts statement there is a very fancy bit of spin that sounds like they're denying it was their fault while not actually saying that. Furthermore their word on the matter isn't much good when the flaws in Xbox.com's security were soundly exposed.
Not really the same when it comes to MMOs. And at any rate the PS4 version will likely just be a port of the PC version anyway.