
Frankly they should just offer the client up as a free download. It's not like you can do anything with it if you haven't paid for an account and subscription.

Oh and I guess you won't be buying an Xbox One. After all:

about.com is hardly a reliable source. And it's incorrect anyway. A large number of account details were obtained through exploiting a security vulnerability in Xbox.com that left it open to brute force attacks. Did you enjoy being told more about these hacks?

No credit card details were compromised as a result of the hack. While the hackers may have gotten away with the data it's of little use to them encrypted. To this day there's been no evidence of anyone losing money over the hack. Conversely there's plenty of evidence of all the money people have lost through hacked

Dear god, why do you even pretend you aren't an incredibly biased fanboy? It's a freaking MMO, they have their OWN SERVERS.

Still no Katawa Shoujo. Admittedly it took them YEARS to do. But they weren't getting a cent out of it either.

CAD is truly awful, and the writer seems pretty douchey as well. And not the likeable kind of douchey like Gabe and Tycho but genuinely douchey. But frankly the comic is bad enough by itself without looking at the man behind it. He just has no idea to properly deliver a joke, he uses a hundred words where five would

The only series of interest for me are Monogatori and Genshiken. I'll probably wait for the blurays for the former as well.

Now you're just lying to try and make your point. That never happens. NPCs only ever open fire if you've been discovered already, at which point the clickers have already been alerted. Otherwise NPCs are completely invisible. I would have ended up hating Ellie if she wasn't. Breaking my stealth constantly would have

My play through was glitch free, but I really hope that the next generation of consoles has less texture pop. Really jarring at times.

They're PS2 titles, most games from that generation hold up pretty well today. Especially when given a HD coat of paint.

Disney owns Marvel now too, they've acquired some major franchises since KH2. If they put Pirates of the Caribbean in I can't see why we couldn't get the Avengers in there somehow.

There are enough real issues of racism without seeing them lurking in every shadow and behind every corner. This is just pure hypersensitivity. It's a pun, nothing more and nothing less. Using a play on words in this situation could be considered poor taste. But it's par for the course where tabloids are concerned.

I'm not sure where people get off defining what a "complete" game is. It's arrogant beyond belief. If you're selling something do you let other people dictate what you're selling? Of course not. Developers decide what the complete game is, not you. It's not your decision to make. The only decision that you need to

The scene in the OR was unintentionally hilarious for me. Because it was one of those moments where time isn't much of an issue. I walked in, tried to walk past the doctor. But of course he was blocking my way. I didn't particularly want to kill him, but there was no choice. So cool as you like Joel just sits down,

There's something in the background that could be considered a spoiler, but the camera has been positioned to block it from view. Without it there's nothing there really that relevant to the plot unless you're looking really hard.

Except that wasn't the ending, not really anyway. That was the build up to the ending. The ending was Joel lying to Ellie.

Uh, bypassing requirements is the foundation of the free to play model. You either play long enough to earn these things or you simply pay real money for them. Either that or you limit it to purely cosmetic upgrades.

The link you sent me proves several of your statements wrong (the University only owned it from about until 2002 not until 2005 like you claimed, after that it appears to have been owned by a bank for a couple of years), and secondly the wayback machine can't accurately determine ownership unless the domain points to

Depends on the game really. If you can stay on a cabinet for over 12 minutes then this is actually a worse value proposition. However it's certainly less punishing for those who aren't as good or are playing competitive games. I'd love to be able to play Gundam Vs for long enough to get the hang of it.