
You obviously didn't read any of the rationalisations, or at least any of the good ones. The problem isn't the argument that it could take off, the issue is the argument that it's going to negatively impact the console business. Just because something is successful doesn't make something else automatically less

If you believe that Microsoft wouldn't have taken a cut from publishers in exchange for using their authentication system then you're kidding yourself. Either way Microsoft would still have potential extra profit from taking a cut of used game sales from the games they themselves published. They also stand to profit

Do you source? Also asking me if I can read, when you can barely spell is a bit rich.

They sold 6.5 million over the past 12 months. I'm not sure how that puts them on track to 10 million this year. Secondly since it first launched they've sold about 13 million to date. In the same time period Sony sold 77 million PS3's. So yeah, dominant my foot.

Gizmodo has been pretty sure the mythical Apple super TV that'll dominate everyones TVs and destroy the unclean consoles and usher in a new media dynasty has been going to happen for around three, four years now. They can be counted on to predict something similar without fail every year, and every year they can be

I find it hilarious that some people are claiming Microsoft was being "brave" and "noble" for trying this for the sake of the publishers. Everything I've seen would suggest the opposite, it was a move they were interested in taking and they wanted to try and shift some of the blame on to the publishers. People seem to

In most games with time restrictions playing through them multiple times is generally part of the experience. Dead Rising is one particular example. Generally these games allow you to retain some progress between play throughs. DR also works because you get a fair amount of downtime between the story events you have

Haha, that hack Toriyama could never pull off a game as good as Dark Souls.

You should probably check your facts. This is Nomuras first time directing an FF title. The real agents of the decline you speak of are Kitase and that talentless hack Toriyama.

Disney owns Marvel now. Make it happen Nomura.

It suffered from disc read errors, it didn't scratch DVDs. And most reports would say that the RROD was worse. It's hard to know anything for sure though because there aren't any accurate figures on the PS2s failure rate. You could however fix the problem by cleaning the lens on the reader. On some you could get

Microsoft certainly hasn't assured victory, but this way they'll probably at least avoid outright defeat.

You know nothing Jon Snow. It was consumer outrage that blocked this move, Sony merely capitalised on it.

From the sounds of it only a small number of PS3's were affected. And it's not like this has never happened to the 360 either, at least once in 2011 and I think there was another occurrence of it as well. At any rate it still pales in comparison to the number of 360's that ended up as bricks due to the RROD. And you

The first is subjective, and with the massive overhaul PSN is getting for PS4 the second may not even be true any more.

So no more 24 hour check-in? This is as close as we'll get to an admission that all the crap they were talking about it being required for magical cloud mumbo jumbo was just that. Crap.

Hah, yeah right. A lot of people that quit end up coming back at one point or another. Many people look back, when there's a new expansion, a big patch, or they're simply bored. Not everyone is an incredibly bitter individual.

Well the way I understand it is that whenever a used X1 game is sold the retailer gets a slice, Microsoft gets a slice, and the publisher of the game gets a slice. So there's your angle. Profit from the entire used X1 market. EA have denied that they pushed MS for this, but obviously take that with a grain of salt.

Uh, no it's not. Are you an idiot or something? Wait, don't answer that. I think I already have a good idea.

Just because it's the truth doesn't mean it's a defence of the practice ya'know.