It looks small, but if you check the dimensions it's similar in size to the PS3 slim, which also has an internal power supply. What's more this quote:
It looks small, but if you check the dimensions it's similar in size to the PS3 slim, which also has an internal power supply. What's more this quote:
Not really. You haven't addressed it because it doesn't change the fact that the only people you can guarantee to have played the previous entries in the series (or at least have the option to play them) are the owners of Sony platforms. And you haven't addressed how you listed a bunch of irrelevant platforms either,…
True. But the landscape is in Sonys favour now more than ever, and if they had good exclusives before it's only more likely to continue that way. Not less likely.
If I had to guess I'd say no brick. Sony have used internal power supplies for all their past consoles. They might have changed things of course, but that's what I'd put my money on.
Kind of sad that it even needs clarification. It was clear enough if people actually thought about what was being said rather than just directing it straight through their rage centre.
How is it not that different when Microsoft are actively supporting these restrictions and Sony aren't? That's a big difference if you ask me.
Guess you're a bit premature in commenting on this huh?
Put simply publishers will still be free to use online passes. So no worse than the current situation. Better in fact, because this statement indicates that Sony is dropping the practice and EA has already stated they're dropping it too. Granted they could still do a 180 on that decision, but I don't think they want…
Put simply publishers will still be free to use online passes. So no worse than the current situation. Better in fact, because this statement indicates that Sony is dropping the practice and EA has already stated they're dropping it too. Granted they could still do a 180 on that decision, but I don't think they want…
No, history is an indicator. It's just not a definitive one. Sony has a lot more in terms of first party development, and we've yet to see what some of their studios have cooking for the PS4. Naughty Dog for example. Obviously though since they just finished the Last of Us for PS3 we're not going to see their next…
The thing is most of the fanbase will probably be buying the PS4 version. And FF's fanbase has been waning after the mess that was XIII.
Nothing on the PS1, and nothing on the DSi (because it was just a regular DS game), nor is there anything on the Vita, and nothing on the PS3 that wasn't already released on other platforms. You do realise your list is far from accurate right?
Still $40 cheaper even with the camera factored in. And at least Sony gives you a choice of whether you want it or not. Personally I'm happy to save $60 (and then the extra $40 on top of that) and forgo the camera entirely.
Why release it on XBone when it's seen none of the previous games? I mean for a continuity heavy franchise it just doesn't make much sense. I guess third party exclusivity just doesn't really happen any more.
You do realise that's the price for ADDITIONAL controllers right? You know, because consoles support more than one? Of course it freaking comes with a controller. Actually read the spec sheet, or better yet have an ounce of common sense and realise no manufacturer would sell a console without one included.
If it's replaceable I'm happy, although 500 is enough to be getting on with for a while.
I'm hoping that it's a part of 2.5 ReMIXed or whatever they're calling it. It's not going to be out for a while but then again neither is KH3.
Doubtful, the most SE has done for Microsoft in the past is throw them the odd bone like XI or XIII. Plus SE aren't the only factor, Disney has a controlling stake in the franchise as well. Finally there's the fact that none of the previous games (and this is a continuity heavy franchise) are on Microsoft platforms.…
Versus XIII is almost completely unrelated to XIII and it's been done by Nomura rather than that hack Toriyama who was responsible for the XIII trilogy. I don't care that it's not ATB, it's not XIII and that's a good thing.
It's more whether or not said benefits will outweigh the inconveniences. And considering that changing a disc is such a minor inconvenience I don't consider avoiding it much of a benefit. I don't hop around between games enough for it to be an issue, and generally whatever game I'm playing sits in the console until…