
I didn’t mean that this event was premeditated, I mean she planned in advance how to behave if a situation like this came up. She knew damn well there was a chance she could be recorded being racist and she’d thought out the best way (other than not being racist) to deal with it was to fake being attacked and claiming

If you substitute “panic attack” with racism in everything that woman says, it finally becomes more accurate. This lady knows that racists documented on video are having their lives upended (and rightfully so) but if she had just kept her racism to herself (asking her to not be racist is probably too much to ask for) a

Suburban NJ white lady here. I just let Short Hills Mall know they lost me as a customer because of their lack of concern for Ms. Ukenta’s safety.

Elphick admitted that her fear was losing her job and apartment as a result of her “panic attack” being recorded

It’s indicative of a person who fucked around and really hates finding out.

Oh you mean the same tik tok that censors videos that have tags like “black lives matter” and “black audience” but is totally fine with tags like “white lives matter” and “white audience”?

Irony, as the people that he supports would also like to do that to any non-able-bodied person at will.

If you know a word is offensive, and the people generally described by that word ask you not to use it, then don’t use it.

A black teacher could have discussed the use of the word, but a white teacher just does not have the context.

You can assign the reading, but making the kids say the word is just wrong.

Don’t read

No. The problem was that when the black student voiced his discomfort with both the selection and listening to his white classmates all say the n-word over and over again the teacher stood her ground.

The way to deeply offend a racist white person is to call them racist.

The problem is there is no correlative word for white people that contains the history or scorn and hatred for Blacks that the n word does. We can make stuff up, but there’s no word going back to 1619 that insults white people like that.



Kudos to BET for being like “be as fucking gay as you want in your performance”. 


It’s a death by a thousand cuts.

Voting is this country is a right, not a privilege. Purging votes, not allowing felons to vote, obstacles to voting such as removing voter precincts from BIPOC neighborhoods, voter intimidation, and other things all add up to the suppression of votes and the voices of those that are marginalized. It should not be a

Purging people from the voter registration rolls is essentially the GOP placing a wager that those people have lives outside of the act of constantly checking to make sure they haven’t been secretly purged from the registration rolls. 

It’s the intent behind it. The GQP knows they have no platform that any rational human would go for. So they are doing everything they can to make sure that only certain votes matter. And since Black voters will vote Democrat, better to make sure they can’t vote than actually change.

Middle/Upper Class West Indian have a buffer class mentality people don’t really understand if you’re not from that culture. I lost count of home many beatings I got a as kid for not speaking “The King’s English”. That shit runs deep.