This does things for me only Vince McMahon can explain.
This does things for me only Vince McMahon can explain.
I would hate fuck him two or three times just to get it all out of my system. 10 out of 10 would bang. I don’t have bad taste in men I have a taste for bad men; don’t judge me.
Let me put it to you this way:
Can we make it polyamorous forced gay marriage? Because, you know, magic fear mongering reasons. If so I would like to call dibs on Shia Labeouf, Justin Bieber, and Joe Manganiello. Hay having to take the two former is the price of the latter right; also I have a taste for bad men.
Ayn Rand is my spirit animal.
Just out of curiousity I was going for both Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh with some Alex Jones levels crazy; in your opinion did that come through?
Abort all liberals, better red than dead, takers do not breed makers.
Takers do not breed makers. Good christians don’t have abortions only godless liberals do. It’s the fault of you and you ilk our country has been overrun by liberals. If you prolifers had just given liberals free abortion and birth control Obama would have never been elected, or maybe never even born. Liberals have…
Sarah Palin is a true American treasure.
I speak the truth and the holy spirit fills me
I get them next time; you wait and see; I’ll get them to say good things about Barrack Obama or saying that we shouldn’t take the bible so literally.
It’s okay this is purely the experimental phase; honing the talking points, perfecting the tone of the conservative voice. Once I’ve got it down perfect, I’ll make a facebook group called: “Liberals should be aborted.” I’ll expand to reddit, then finally after getting enough followers start up a “GoFundMe” or any…
Game’s over my false flag has been exposed.
Damnit I had him on the hook too why did all you people have to ruin it.