The TL;DR of your response boils down to “How dare you point out my hypocrisy and bullshit.”
The TL;DR of your response boils down to “How dare you point out my hypocrisy and bullshit.”
Thank you for that wonderful caring about something just o shit on someone else; you must go to the MRA school of debate. What’s your next trick? Will you go to an article about rape and only bring up male rape to attack feminism? If you only care about an issue and speak about it on a public forum to denigrate…
Thank you for that wonderful caring about something just o shit on someone else; you must go to the MRA school of debate. What’s next will you go to an article about rape and only bring up male rape to attack feminism? If you only care about an issue and speak about it on a public forum to denigrate something or…
The real kicker comes when you place the blame on him personally for having been against abortion for so long; that now he’s doomed America to the socialist Democrats who have won the breeding game and outnumbered conservatives.
Try this one; “With easy access to abortion many of Obama’s voting base would have never been born, or maybe Obama would have never been born.”
If I could just figure out how much I needed for some billboards; stretch goals would be radio ads, and tv commercials on local stations.
Just for the sheer schadenfreude of watching right not knowing which way to go with it would be worth it. It’s true I can’t do it alone; every time you encounter a conservative act like a conservative and angrily attack him for allowing liberals to breed out of control; I’ve trolled a couple of people on Twitter this…
Every time I see an article about abortion I get the urge to run a kickstarter aimed at conservatives to teach them that “Abortions Only Kill Liberals”: I would spread propaganda about how “Liberals have manipulated Conservatives into being against abortions to swell the numbers of people on welfare rolls so that they…
My knee jerk reaction was no; then I realized I lost my virginity to a guy with a scraggly beard, a jewfro, and a rat tail. I have no excuse; he was fun to look at naked and was great in the sack. I live in New Mexico; these things are as inevitable as hooking up with guys that have permanent outlines of Skoal cans on…
It’s getting to the point where the only justice is completely bypassing the criminal trial and just skipping to the civil while the investigation is ongoing.
I’ve always been partial to “Don’t make me pull the stick out of your ass and beat you with it.” The most offensive insult I’ve heard is “If I want your opinion I’ll pull my dick out of your mouth; now shut your cocksucker or put it to good use.”
Not to sound too furry; but I’ve always thought that minotaurs are pretty hot.
The problem in gaming is the same problem faced by other subcultures in the past; snobbery, entitlement, and creating a hostile environment to new comers. It’s not just isolated to video games you can say the same thing about anime, any number of fandoms, or music. Just like the punk scene, just like goth scene, just…
I’m pretty sure hist scalp is tattooed because he has a widows peak and it looks like designs underneath.
Can you order one him online or is he a boutique purchase?