But worlds would collide when it came time for Waiting to Exhale. Who would play Angela. ....also, I have her and her husband on my dream dinner party guest list.
But worlds would collide when it came time for Waiting to Exhale. Who would play Angela. ....also, I have her and her husband on my dream dinner party guest list.
I'm struggling to think of a Lifetime movie I would call good. I want this to be the exception.
A few years ago, I was sitting in a coffee shop on a rainy day in Manhattan and they were playing an all Mary J. Blige playlist. The shop was virtually empty it was just me, another young woman, and the barista-also a woman. I was overcome with a nameless emotion listening to her singing and I looked over at the…
I wasn't ready....
I will fall back on the fact that Nicki Minaj is a legitimate female MC whereas her contemporaries like Iggy Azalea and Kreayshawn are industry puppets. I hope that she lasts as long as Queen Latifah!
I know, I know, I KNOW, I'm victim blaming here, but I don't give a flying fuck: what do you want to bet, based on what we know about the Boobers, that "Jaxon" (UGH WTF) did something to antagonize the dog into biting him?
Necessary contribution.
That was really well done, "such a long time ago." I wonder if Madonna tried to buy in her building and Anna helped block the sale. That was also such a long time ago but does anyone else remember that Madge got turned down at like two dozen co-ops and ended up buying an entire brownstone, I think?
You left out the best part of the Anna Wintour quote where she threw some additional unprovoked side shade at Madonna without even batting an eyelash: "The first celebrity that I put on the cover of Vogue was Madonna, and that was considered completely controversial at the time, too. It's such a long time ago…
You continually make me LOL with these.