
Yeah, Hope Hicks did on his behalf.

Unlike Stormy, Karen claims her involvement with Trump was no mere dalliance but a full blown relationship so I am wondering what if any items she has in possession that would reinforce her claims. It seems AMI retained some photos as part of the settlement, but hopefully not all of them.

As we all know, hot dogs are sandwiches (fight me) and many sandwiches are enhanced by mayo, so one would assume that mayo is appropriate condiment for a hot dog. But one would be wrong. Mayo does nothing for a hot dog, and if a hot dog ever required mayo then you should not be eating it because it has gone bad, has

If I go shopping at 2 or 3 in the morning, it won’t be to buy four five tv’s it will be to buy like four or five bags of chips and maybe an Entenmann’s danish

Just a touch.

Indeed. To be sure I don’t find either to be “evil” or anything like that, but as a life long progressive type, I fully realize that their efforts now align with what I would like to see occur (Trump gone) but that doesn’t mean they haven’t been, at the very least, problematic in how they have discharged their duties

The Republican on Republican crime has produced some high drama, but Comey’s book has escalated things and now the drama is just messy. Messy and delicious.

The crazy thing is Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal both admitted to finding Trump charming and kind (Even though Stormy admitted she worried he would try to pay her after sex, and he did try to pay Karen). Now this was 2006 Trump, so were a few less layers of decrepit old man filth to him, but he was still largely

Couple nits to pick.

The GOP has to run someone, if only for the sake of keeping Nehlen away from being their nominee. Which means they have to dedicate resources, time, and money to a race that may well be a lost cause. My guess is the scour the state house, mayors, and other municipal leaders for a candidate with some name recognition,

If her work is that good, and her prices are low, I am not surprised she has folks showing up. Y’all should send someone out there, have her make you dinner, and report back on if she has appropriated a good mac and cheese recipe and if she can make greens lol.

Conservative hostility towards David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez has been intense and unrelenting. They have been called names, had their appearances mocked, their sexuality questioned (and mocked), and been subjected to a sustained campaign of bullying and they keep going, doing their thing. They are inspirational and

It’s a strategic decision. He wants to have it both ways, build a coalition that includes scrapping off black/brown voters from traditional Dem candidates, while maintaining his appeal to his overwhelmingly white base.

Dem losses during the Obama tenure are a fact, but Sanders is missing the boat on why those losses occurred. White resentment shot through the roof following Obama’s election and while people focused on the national Tea Party candidates, the biggest disruption was in State government.

For as bad as Hannity has always been I have to admit it is strange that he has become even more terrible, and possibly unhinged in a time when he should be delighted. The black guy left office, a white guy took over, tax cuts were passed, ACA was hobbled, and the mainstreaming of nativist racism continues unabated.

Trump is accustomed to the press bending to his will, as he often used the media as a tool for his own self adoration and promotion. As president he can’t create narratives out of whole cloth and his penchant for lying - sometimes for no reason at all - is now scrutinized. The press is digging around exposing

Listen, I have no issue with RG3 getting a shot - likely his last in the league. But the fact that he and many other less deserving QB’s have been signed before Kap highlights the continued and blatant blackballing of a player who did absolutely nothing wrong. At this point, I kinda hope Kap wins his lawsuit, gets an

He was hired to destroy the EPA from within by undoing regulations and so forth. He doesn’t give a shit about norms and processes, he isn’t there to run the department and to date Trump doesn’t seem bothered by excesses, but then again Pruitt’s must look like small potatoes next to Trump’s own problems.

She knew how to get her bread buttered and played the same game most grifters do when appealing white folks sense of persecution. First she jabbed by making sure to mention how much she loves ‘Murica, the constitution,rule of law, and law enforcement. Having stunned her audience with her relatability, she came back

This isn’t a one off situation, anyone can lose their shit, but this isnt an uncharacteristic explosion. Emily needs to vacate the premises and deal with Fab via the court system.