Curious to see the response the movie gets from China. It won’t open there until 3/9 but a good performance in that market will give its foreign gross legs and might be enough to propel it towards 1 billion in ticket sales.
Curious to see the response the movie gets from China. It won’t open there until 3/9 but a good performance in that market will give its foreign gross legs and might be enough to propel it towards 1 billion in ticket sales.
Incidentally, the type of person who carries around an AR 15 in their front passenger seat, unsecured, and in plain view is also the the type of person who should not have an AR 15. The venn diagram of these types of people is just a circle.
Gonna disagree about redneck and white trash, they are perfectly good slurs and will do in a pinch if that’s the way things are going and you don’t want look stupid by calling someone a honky. Now they aren’t one hitter quitters, some folks embrace those terms and are immune to their powers. Success rate is something…
Sitting there looking like a lazy eyed school marm.
Yeah, the events of Infinity War and Avengers 4 will play a large role in how they approach a Black Panther sequel especially if we see the deaths of major characters for example. But I would imagine the blow back to the realization that Wakanda is a heavily armed country with possibly the worlds most precious…
The bottom line is that a federal government largely made up of white men seems to have real difficulty acknowledging white male violence.
She is a goddamn liar. The man with 5 kids by three different women, all of whom he cheated on is also a stand up guy who would never sexually harass or presume that he could have his way with random women? She isn’t stupid or delusional, she knows daddy is a piece of shit, but she also knows his ass ain’t long for…
Perhaps this fear is guilt-based, and they’re scared the same way you were as a kid when you stole some cash from your teacher’s purse. And you kept waiting for repercussions, but they just never came. But that fear — that feeling that you’d have to answer for your wrongs eventually — never quite left. Or maybe this…
Aww man...I thought she died. Maybe next time.
I scrolled down the list of articles and passed this one very quickly but I scrolled back because I thought it was a picture of Sammy Sosa, but then I remembered Sammy Sosa is white now.
I believe the intention was to use die hard Trumpers to amplify the Russian active measures signal and provide those same supporters with materials and resources to be more effective Trump advocates.
I thought the building in the picture, the Carl Everett building, was named for Carl Everett the former baseball player who infamously stated to someone interviewing him:
A lot of these people don’t actually care if Russia held improper sway over the election. This is what they cared about: Retribution.
Dinesh D’souza is a convicted felon and exposed adulterer who lost his job as president of King’s College when his affair was discovered. But yet he still has credibility with the right wing. But he loves to spend his time among the bicoastal elites in NY and San Diego, likely because if he ventured down south to his…
Yes, it is wrong. Though you can do so in shame, since this isn’t a life or death issue.
I’m sure there are some movie critics who wallow in their supposed oppression as white males, who give a good if not unenthusiastic review for the sake of not being “that guy” while fever swamp sewer sites like the National Review, Breitbart, the Daily Caller, will attempt to mine white resentment into a movie review…
Number 29 is wrong and a disgrace. Ranch has no place near a plate of buffalo wings
For people that dont know any better (or refuse to entertain a view that disagrees with their own) Fox News must be an incredibly soothing oasis. But for learned people watching FNC is a slow descent in maddening frustration and yelling at the TV.
I was at the mall this weekend with the wife and kids and we decided to grab a bite to eat at the food court because the kids were getting cranky. Turns out the food court was under major renovation and only three places were open, some chinese food spot, McD’s, and Chick Fil A, and every one of them had a huge line.…
“I love this country and honestly tried my best,”