
@another_damn_name: Also, I'll start caring about Brett's family when Brett starts caring about Brett's family.

@vodkanaut: Cockroaches and dick jokes will be all that's left after we're gone.

Watch out for that trash can, Brian.

Tiny angels,

So now we know what his nickname for his dick isn't.

@FavreWIN: /Magary sheds a single tear

@FavreWIN: Glad to see you did make the name change for the big day. It's the little things...

He's just packing 1" down there!

No wonder he throws deep whenever he can. He's used to short slants.

about the fact you be releasing "cock" photos...

@salisburysdatingcoach: Both his cutter and his two-seam fastball were working as well as I've ever seen. The cutter got lots of swings and misses and weak taps and pop-ups, and he kept bringing the two-seamer back to the outside corner against right-handed hitters. But yeah, the wiffle ball comparison is a good one.

@TheEasyButton: It's their own fault. Mine were off in the 5th.

@Desi_Relaford: I think I figured it out. It's "Game Changer" as in: "Holy shit, Marquis gave up 8 runs already? Change it to the Orioles game."

@wardsac: He was starting before the break too, that's when he had a perfect game going into the 9th against Halladay only to lose the game. But yeah, you would think they'd give this guy a shot. Thanks Dusty!

@wardsac: Yeah, is this kid that good all the time? Because he's looked like Cliff Lee both times the Phils have seen him.