
This is going to end up with me spending another 3 hours reading the comments from La Revolucion.


@Jewish Okoye: It's the Amish Shark "Don't feel strongly about this one way or the other" Coin Flip of the Week!

Back-to-school orientation for WVU athletes:

Also, D batteries are not butt plugs.

@Phintastic: He just paid me $1200 for a hot dog that was delicious in 2004.

@AzureTexan: You don't need to bring your own mats, but you're probably going to want to.

After yesterday's nominee, this is kinda redundant, no?

I'd been looking forward to this edition of this feature, and I knew I would not be disappointed.

Power pitchers are delicate little roses, things of beauty only because their mortality is assured.

They just need Albert there to stand next to the chalkboard.

@OchentaYcinco: Sorry Drew, but if making fun of In Living Colour costs a guy his star, I'd do it a million times over.

The letter about the ant massacre reminded me of a time my dad's backyard had a hornet or wasp nest in the ground. I'd never seen one in the ground before. It was just like an ant hill, with a bigger hole, and the bees would fly in and out of there. Long story short, my dad dumped a bunch of gasoline down there and

North Korea wins, 12-year-olds totally not forced into labor camps.

"His dad must be so disappointed."

He dangled there comically for a few seconds, before unbuckling his harness and dropping to a catwalk.

What's the point? Sure, People pays its interview subjects. But she doesn't need the money. Does she want to launch some kind of career in the public eye? Shop a book deal?

Doesn't this town have the Steelers? No one fucking cares about the college team.

I would pay good money for a press release from ESPN containing the phrase "...and we wish him well in future endeavors."