
But isn't that wholly dependent on how many times you wear your jeans in any given week?

Either you're a guy, or you're using the term 'ass' liberally. (As a woman I've never had a pair of jeans that had actual 'ass stink' and yet will always launder jeans that might possibly suffer from a certain vicinity-based aroma.)

So..."fatigue and nausea" outweigh Viagra's potential for a dangerous "erection that lasts for four hours or more"? (I'd google it to be more precise but I do not want that combination of terms to be anywhere in my search history.)

I think Treme just had a similar plot point.

I caught that and was amazed at the sense of entitlement. I can't bring myself to watch the clip again, but I think he said something about the multimillions that he "should have had." And...he should have had them, why? For being an asshole on a shitty show? I know a lot of people who work 60 to 80 hours a week for

They can be put in sea pens. It's not an either/or scenario.

Imprisoned orcas can and should be put in sea pens where they have ample room to swim, and aren't forced to entertain crowds in confined spaces day after day after day. Orcas born in the wild might eventually be able to be released. Those born in captivity probably won't be able to, but if they live in sea pens

The Elan Gale comparison? Please... I'm not saying it's good to make shit up to entertain people...though fiction writers do it for a living. I hate when made up stuff is presented as stuff that actually happened, but Morales went about a thousand miles further than that. She made up stuff to gain sympathy (the

Hmm...I wonder why...

To me, that's a point in her favor. Re-wearing clothing? Yes, as Martha Stewart might say, that's a good thing.

FrankenPeters was resurrected by amateurs. Madison was resurected by a Fleetwood Witch pro!

No...you just don't get hired in the first place.

Your point is the most important one. Second most important: out of 25 women, not a single one appears to be A) unattractive, B) obese, or C) over 35. I have no doubt that no unattractive/obese/over 35 women were as qualified as this particular group. /s

Agreed. Well, I have one pair that's pilled, but I've owned them for five years. As a dancer, I've yet to find another pair of jazz pants that'll last for five years, so I'm okay with a tiny bit of pilling.

Hmm...I tried to insert a pic from Amazon, but am not seeing it here. Wonder what I did wrong...

I do love a digital kitchen scale. I got a different one, though:

I've been wanting a mandoline forever! Do you recommend a particular brand and model?

I'm guessing that if you were one of the relatives of these ~149 people who were killed due to street racing, you wouldn't be so cavalier in your attitude. May be a drop in the bucket to you, but I assure you, it's not a drop in the bucket to relatives, friends, and loved ones of those who were killed this way.

If you don't see what happened, you don't make assumptions about what happened. That's common sense 101.