
A "Cat's Eyes" is a different (and superior) road stud from the UK, and the name comes from the inventor seeing his car's headlights reflected in a cat's eyes by the side of the road one night.

Cloud Atlas was a masterpiece.

Where you alive during Disney's musical heyday? Did you like their films during those days? If so, then yes, you might enjoy this film. It's more of a reconstruction than a rehash, really. They take some of the same old tropes and breathe new life into them, either by subverting or inverting your expectations.

I'm not a big Disney movie fan, but I went with a friend who is, and it was much better - at least message-wise - than the ones they had when I was a kid. I thought it was cute and sweet and wholesome. I think it's worth Netflixing when it's out on DVD, but if Disney isn't your thing that I'd probably not bother

I don't want to spoil anything, but it does kind of take things in a different direction than the Disney Classics. It even kind of pokes fun at the traditional gender roles of the older movies. It isn't quite as empowering toward women as Katniss, but it is a farcry difference from that aspect of the older films.

I know nothing about the movie, so all I could take from this was that girls should aspire to look as stereotypically attractive as possible with blonde hair and lipstick?

To be fair, most Israelis are ex-IDF because it's mandatory, unless I'm very much mistaken. But yes, she'll kick ass!

In these cases, I really think it's just better label some things as "bad fanfiction," even if it did have a big budget and come from a studio.

I'm glad someone is finally making a Frankenstein film. Such a neglected and obscure work needs to come to the attention of the world at large.

You're right! He looks just like Moss!!!

Maybe he wanted to be....

Expecto Patronum!

Seriously Vincze I love 90% of the posts on io9 but every time I see one of yours pop up on the front page I become giddy like a schoolboy. Your posts are so much fun to read and watch every single time and I'm always genuinely fascinated by them. Just felt I should let you know that I and no doubt many others really

Now playing

Don't be silly. I'm tethered...

Now if he would just stop singing that terrible song

It's actually terrifying how that handful of sentences reads just like an abusive relationship.

"Oh Duchess! Why did it have to be you, and not Archer!"


Sorry for that one, could not resist...