
Where are my Dungeons and Dragons?

I had trouble choosing just one. The first is Excalibur.

What's all this other stuff cluttering up my Morning Del Toro?

I ignored this for a while because of that endless Troll series of films; then I watched it-brilliant (and dryly funny) film.

The mighty giant robot, devastated upon learning of the Terminator franchise's refusal to die mercifully, collapses, sobbing, in the Canadian North.

Considering Carrie Fisher was strung out on coke throughout the last Star Wars movies, I'd say that personal trainer is in for a challenge.

OK, glad it's not just me then.


Also included is a loving, twenty minute-long sequence of Bilbo perming his foot hair, while talking softly to himself. Mostly culled from outside sources; including the Silmarillion, some notes Tolkien scrawled on a bar napkin, a 1983 issue of Redbook and a fever dream Peter Jackson still remembers from when he was

The movie was too long with too little content. Like butter being spread across too much bread.

Shouldn't a stormtrooper be riding that thing looking for droids?

Stop it stop it stop it I can't watch anymore I just want the whole movie now and why are you so cruel with this teasing and trailers and pictures and I just want to watch giant monsters fighting robots with this cast of all the cool people and why isn't this out yet

I really hope that in becoming King of the Dragons, Hiccup hasn't lost his scientific edge.


i09 has obtained an exclusive and graphic reconstruction of the events in the parking lot:

No, those two words you used are foreign to me.

Ugh. I hate those stock photos of us fat people that don't have heads. They're in almost every piece about obesity.

Well....I guess a lot of people are going to be calling in "fat" tomorrow.