
I love that gag reel almost as much as I love the Serenity gag reel. Cobie makes that shit!

The photoshoppery in that is comedic. C'mon, Annie, you're getting awfully lazy.

Thank you guys for asking us what we all have going on! Feels nice.

The very best part of this post is getting to revisit all the inspiring, sick-assed book covers from my childhood!!

You certainly speak for me!

Beautiful. Schooling the shit outta American animators yet again. I love how her characters are full and round and dynamic without any pandering to stereotypes.

I don't think those other chandeliers are better - in fact, as design objects they are more pedestrian, with tentacles simply replacing the curlicue arms of a regular Victorianate chandelier. At least this guy's created mirrored arms that move light beautifully around the form!

Those sketches are sick, especially because I can hear those critters barking just by looking at them!

It's worth sitting through that entire video just to watch that one kitten go straight up in the air at the end. Now, that's physics!

Now you're talkin, McFly!

Even my non-YA-reading husband loves those books. I think she hit the nail on the head. I would love to see films of them - more so than other YA books - because of the COSTUMES!!

I dunno, that just kinda looks like Benedict Cumberbatch. Wearing suspendies.

Leigh Bardugo is fab, isn't she?

It shouldn't be guilty! It's genuinely funny!

AAAAAAGH one of my fondest experiences in theatre. Am looking right now at the Tempest poster I stole from a London pub which hangs on my wall, with Sir Pats looking all bullish!

I love that you call that guy Kemal Pamuk. Represent, season 1!

That irritating song wailing during this appealing scene turns the whole thing into the CW. Think it's just for the clip release?

Fairly sure I'm going to sob my way through this the way I did through the first one!

Thank you Lauren!!

I thought the kids in that film absolutely NAILED it. I had nostalgia leaking all over the place after I saw it. They even managed to make their casual arguments feel correct for the time - there was nothing modern about their speech cadences. I didn't really care about all the alien crap, I cared about those kids.