
Are you ready for this?

Y'all should get this book just for the sheer cinematic inspiration of the boards. It's only like $25 on Amazon for a big fat coffee table hardback!

Yeah, all monitors are nasty like that! But Komodos are the bestest coz they like to try to do it to humans, too.

If I may add my very favorite 'Zero fucks given' predator to the list, the mantis shrimp. It kills its prey so many horrible ways it's impossible to tell how it dies: either from getting struck by a limb with the force and speed of a .22 bullet, from the water around the limb boiling, or from the shockwave caused by

Those are such astute sentiments from Brienne's actor. It pleases me, as a giant fan of the character, that she's so lovingly created in the show.

That is the traileriest trailer I ever did see. Crazy fades? Check. Wacky pseudo-'Inception' noise? Check. Butt rock? Check. Insanely fast cuts that actually physically hurt my eyes? Check. Screaming? Check. Whew! I need to go stare at a blank piece of paper in silence for a while.

I guess, sure, science, yeah, but I still like the execution of the TRex disemboweling the upside-down Ford Explorer in 'Jurassic Park' the bestest.

Waaaah, the chills, I HAS DEM!!

It WAS uncomfortable, wasn't it? So much of the book was so weird to me, but in a great way where I felt oddly like I was being exposed to something very adult that most kids wouldn't experience in literature otherwise. Madeline L'Engle's books gave me the same feeling.

Yeah, I thought he kind of overwhelmed her with his 'adultness,' and was all 'you will be my wife' even though she was just a young girl? I remember being grossed out by it and hoping she would step up and throw the beat down on him.

Oh, Lars, you.

Can anybody tell me who did all those beautiful Wolverine posters? Love those.

She's got a sixth sense, like ESPN.

Yeah maybe it's kind of the line I feel they're taking with GoT...sometimes those new/extra characters are in there to facilitate plot or create obvious conflict. Z, while an amazing story, is definitely first-person-in-her-head, so maybe they wanted to make it more externalized and obvious?

Preach. And the shot of Marcus was one of those irritating camera moves that held juuuuuust long enough with self-awareness for the audience to be, all, 'Oh ha ha, it's so funny, the hot scientist in her chonies, coz we saw Kirk in his, we get it, ha ha again.'

But...he's Khan. Montalban chewed the scenery like it was made out of chocolate truffles. Cumby's got to ham-and-eggs it up at least a LITTLE bit. Or, a lot bit.

The ear slug things traumatized me too. And when I say traumatized, I mean I have a pathological fear of any slug like organism. I can't look at photos of them. I can barely type the word 'slug.' KHAAAAAAAN!


I'm glad we're at the point where regular ol' network shows have the FX production quality of a well-done feature film.

Looks super-cute with loads of fun actors. I'm assuming there will be some jacket-sniffing at some point?